Working with Travel Authorizations

Working with Travel Authorizations

Travel authorizations are required at the University of Georgia for employees traveling in-state, out-of-state, or internationally. TA's are not encumbered and serve as the supervisor's determination that the proposed travel is acceptable. All TAs can be completed in the UGA Financial Management System.

Policy Statement

An employee traveling on University business must obtain prior approval from the traveler’s supervisor or delegate and by the financial spend approver for the funding source. Out-of-state travel by a dean or director requires the prior approval of the appropriate vice president. A vice president's out-of-state travel requires prior approval by the appropriate senior vice president or the President.

Travel outside of the continental limits of the United States must be approved first by the appropriate vice president, then by the Office of Global Engagement. Sponsored Projects Administration-Post Award must also approve authorizations for travel outside of the continental limits of the United States when traveling on sponsored project funding.   Travel authorizations cannot be created after travel has occurred.  Justification will need to be provided with any reimbursement request detailing why the authorization was not submitted prior to travel occurring.  Departments have the option to encumber current year funds for travel that will be completed by the end of the first quarter of the next fiscal year (September 30). Departments should contact the Accounting department to make arrangements for encumbering those funds no later than June 15 of each fiscal year.


Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to document the requirement for employees to submit a travel authorization for approval prior to travel.