If there is a need to send an email to another employee or approver regarding a travel authorization, the Initiator can do this via the Send Notifications options within the actions menu for any travel authorization. This option is available no matter the stage of approval process.
This article will walk you through the actions you can take on Travel Authorizations throughout the approval process.
First, log into the Financial Management System
Click the Travel Authorizations tile.
The Travel Authorizations Search page is displayed. This page allows you to view and add travel authorizations. To view all pending travel authorizations, click the Pending link.
To view the performable actions, click the green Actions button next to any travel authorization.
Example shown here: Actions button next to the travel authorization titled " Copying Example ".
For a pending travel authorization, you can choose between Delete Travel Authorization and Send Notification .
To send an email to another employee or supervisor concerning the selected travel authorization, click the Send Notification menu item.
The Send Email window is displayed. This window is structured to reflect an email with a To field, CC and BCC options, Subject line, and Message box.
Enter the email of who you wish to notify into the To field.
Example shown here: " onesource@uga.edu ".
The Message field is where you would enter the context or body of your notification.
To send the email, click the Send Email button.
Or, click the [X] Close button to exit.
The recipient will receive an email from: onesource-do-not-reply@uga.edu
Click the Actions button next to the appropriate travel authorizations to open the menu.
Example shown: Authorization ID 0100067316
If you have NOT submitted your travel authorization yet, you have the ability to delete it.
Click the Delete Travel Authorization menu item.
A window will appear to ask if you are sure you want to delete the selected travel authorization.
Click the Yes button.
A confirmation message will appear across the top of the screen when the deletion is complete.
To view all the submitted travel authorizations, click the Submitted link.
Example shown here: Actions button next to the travel authorization titled " MCH Department Review ".
Once a travel authorization is submitted, you lose the ability to delete a travel authorization. You still have the option to send a notification.
Click the Send Notification menu item.
The Send Email window is displayed. You would fill this out same as you would an email.
Click the Close button.
To view all of the approved travel authorizations, click the Approved link.
Example shown here: Actions button next to the travel authorization titled " Out-of-State Travel 2127214 ".
For an approved travel authorization, you have two options: Send Notification (same as before) and Cancel Travel Authorization.
To cancel the TA, click Cancel Travel Authorization.
A confirmation popup is displayed.
A confirmation message is displayed for the cancelation of the TA.