First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the Travel Authorizations tile.
The Travel Authorization page is displayed. Previously save Travel Authorizations will show under the Pending menu option on the left side.
To start the update process, click the appropriate pending travel authorization Expansion Arrow [>] button.
Example shown here: Travel Authorization with the description International Conference.
The Travel Authorization page is displayed. From this page, you can view and edit the information located within the selected Travel Authorization.
In this example, the Travel To information needs to be updated.
Enter the appropriate information in the Travel To field.
Example shown here: GUA field.
From the search results menu, click the appropriate location.
Example shown here: GUATEMALA, Guatemala City location.
To update the *Date From field, you can either both clear the field and directly input the appropriate date, or you could click the calendar icon to pull up a calendar.
Click the Calendar icon.
Using the calendar, select the appropriate date.
Example shown here: March 8th .
The *Date To field automatically updates to match the selected date in the *Date From field.
To select a more appropriate date, click the Calendar icon.
Click the appropriate date.
Example shown here: March 11th.
To replace the information within the amount field, you will clear the existing data and enter correct information in the appropriate field.
Example shown here: " International Pay by Employee - 1100.00 ".
Once all corrected information is entered, click the Save button.
The Total Expenses will update automatically once saved.