Creating a Blanket Travel Authorization for In-State Travel


Travelers have the option to create a blanket travel authorizations for In-State travel in order to help track expenses.

Fiscal Year Blanket Travel Authorizations are available for in-state travel only and with the following guidelines:

  • Authorizations run from July 1 to  June 30 of the following year.
  • Only issued for a single traveler and cannot be for an entire department or unit.
  • Each travel event must have consistent travel purposes.
  • All travel is to the same locations.
  • Travel activities are for the individual listed on the Travel Authorization.
  • Return dates coincide with the Fiscal Year and expire on June 30th.
  • Expenses must comply with UGA Travel policy.
  • Out-of-state or international travel are not allowed.
  • Note:  Blanket Travel Authorizations for a given Fiscal Year should not be issued until the corresponding budget has been loaded.

In this article, you will learn the steps to create travel authorizations for blanket in state travel in the UGA Financial Management System.

1. Step 1

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First, log into UGA Financial Management System

On the Employee Self Service homepage, click the Travel Authorizations tile.

2. Step 2

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The Travel Authorization Search page is displayed. This page allows you to view and add travel authorizations.

Click the Add Travel Authorization button.

3. Step 3

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The Travel Authorization page is displayed. This page allows you to add information to create a new travel request.

Enter a brief description of the trip purpose in the Description field.   

Example shown here: Enter "Blanket Travel Authorization".

4. Step 4

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In-State Travel is the only Business Purpose allowed under a blanket travel authorization. The Billing Type can only be set to Default Value.

5. Step 5

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You can enter an Accounting Tag into the Accounting Tag field, if applicable, or manually enter the chartstring using the Accounting Default button.

Note : Bud Ref must always be entered manually.

6. Step 6

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For blanket travel authorizations, enter the location from which you will typically depart in the *Travel From field.

Example shown here: Enter "headquarters".

7. Step 7

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To search for available in-state destinations, enter "Georgia us" in the Travel To field.

8. Step 8

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For In-State Travel destinations all 159 Georgia counties are listed under Travel To. Select the appropriate county.

Note: For blanket travel authorizations record any additional counties using the Notes feature.

Example shown here:  Early County option.

9. Step 9

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Blanket travel authorizations can be granted for the duration of the Fiscal Year. The Fiscal Year at UGA runs from July 1 of one year to June 20 of the next.

Enter appropriate information into the Date From and Date To fields.

10. Step 10

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In the appropriate Pay by Employee Description field, enter a brief description of the anticipated expense types the employee expects to incur while traveling, including lodging, car rental, per diem, conference registration, etc.

Enter appropriate information into the Description field.

Example shown here: "Lodging, Hotel, Per Diem".

11. Step 11

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In the appropriate Amount field, enter the estimated total costs of the expenses.

Example shown here: enter "500.00".

12. Step 12

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To access the Notes feature, the travel authorization must be saved first.

Click the Save button.

13. Step 13

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Click the Notes button.

14. Step 14

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The Travel Authorization Notes popup window is displayed.

15. Step 15

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Use the Notes feature to provide additional information about the name and location of the event, what you will be doing, and what funds you hope to be reimbursed from for the trip.

Once appropriate justification is entered, click the Done button.

16. Step 16

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Your notes have been saved.

The Edit function on the Travel Authorization Notes window allows you to delete a selected note and add a new one.

Click the Done button.

17. Step 17

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Click the Submit button.

18. Step 18

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The Essential Travel Confirmation pop-up window is displayed. The traveler is required to submit acknowledgement of UGA policy on travel and possible related health risks.

Click the Submit button.

19. Step 19

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A confirmation message indicates that the travel authorization has been submitted for approval. A TA ID number is also generated.

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