MyID, Accounts & ID Management

Managing access & passwords for MyID, Banner, Restricted VPN, Argos, Data Cookbook, IDM and other UGA systems.

Categories (1)

Student Data Access

Argos, Banner, and Data Cookbook access requests

Services (9)

02 Restricted VPN Access

For access to sensitive and restricted systems only. Request authorization for an employee in your department/unit to log in to the 02 Restricted VPN group. Do not fill out this form if you only need to log in to the 01 Default VPN Group. For requests for multiple users (five or more), please email the EITS Help Desk.

IDM Support Request

Identity Management (IDM) support request

MyID Re-enable Request

This form is for requesting that a deactivated MyID be re-enabled.

Online Directory Request

UGA Directory (People Search) Request

Test MyID Checkout System

This form is for requesting a MyID test account.

UGA Identity Lookup Tool Access Request

Requests for access to UGA identity lookup tool

z-account Creation, Modification, or Removal Request

Departmental z-accounts are used to gain administrative access to certain UGA systems and are intended only for system administrators. If you need EITS to create a new z-account, modify and existing z-account, or to remove a z-account that is no longer needed, please complete this form.

MyID Account Request

MyID Request for Faculty, Staff, and others