Popular Services

Help Desk technical support request form. Please provide information for technical assistance at the University of Georgia.

MyID Request for Faculty, Staff, and others

For access to sensitive and restricted systems only. Request authorization for an employee in your department/unit to log in to the 02 Restricted VPN group. Do not fill out this form if you only need to log in to the 01 Default VPN Group. For requests for multiple users (five or more), please email the EITS Help Desk.

Auxiliary Services Information Technology Support

Submit a request for installation or request a quote.

Report issues and request help with GACRC systems, except for software installation requests and account/lab creation requests.

Telecommunications Infrastructure Design and Installation

General requests for support with the Franklin College of Office and Information Technology. Requests will be assigned to the appropriate team for service.

As part of the Business Learning Community, Terry has interview rooms available for approved students, staff and faculty to reserve. These rooms are designed to support video-related activities needed for events like remote interviews and recorded presentations for Undergraduate Students.


For a research group's PI to request user accounts for group members on the GACRC computing systems.

eLearning Commons Manual Course Groups Request

For any additional questions or assistance, please visit Moore-Rooker Hall A101 (Facilities/Logistics) or email terryfacilities@uga.edu or call 706-542-7136.

Use this form to request the creation of a Microsoft Team.

The University of Georgia's email system, UGAMail, is powered by Microsoft's Office 365 Education for email, calendar and task services.

UGAMail uses the latest version of Office 365.

DNS records requests for DNLs

Requests for applications to use UGA SSO will be processed through a workflow with tasks that must be completed by the application owner and the Information Security and Identity Management teams within EITS.

Report a UGA telephone incident or repair request to the Telephone Services team.

Departmental z-accounts are used to gain administrative access to certain UGA systems and are intended only for system administrators. If you need EITS to create a new z-account, modify and existing z-account, or to remove a z-account that is no longer needed, please complete this form.

Most Terry College conference rooms are scheduled using in Outlook Calendars.

This page provides information on how to view availability and request adding a conference room to your calendar event in Outlook.

This service is to request assistance from Housing IT staff.