What Happens to My UGA Email And Office365 access after I leave UGA?

Once you graduate or leave the university, your level of access to your university email (UGAMail) and Office 365 products changes. The timing of the change depends on your role at the university: student, staff, faculty, retiree or affiliate. For more information on access to IT services after leaving UGA, visit our MyID account removal page


Students lose access to their MyID account and all IT services tied to it, including UGAMail, approximately one year after they graduate or leave the university. This is to ensure the continued security of the UGA network and prevent unauthorized access to the network.

Students lose access to Office 365 products approximately one year after they graduate or leave the university. 

Students who are employed by the university after graduation do not lose access to their UGAMail or Office 365.


There are no guarantees attached to UGA staff MyID accounts and the IT services tied to them. When a staff member leaves UGA for another job, their MyID is disabled, their UGAMail account is deleted, and their access to UGA's Office365 instance is removed.

Sometimes, departments will request that an ex-employee's MyID be terminated immediately. These requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and require verification in order to process.


There are no guarantees attached to UGA faculty MyID accounts and the IT services tied to them. When a faculty member leaves UGA for another job, their MyID is disabled, their UGAMail account is deleted, and their access to UGA's Office365 instance is removed.

Sometimes, departments will request that an ex-employee's MyID be terminated immediately. These requests are handled on a case-by-case basis and require verification in order to process.

 Some faculty are eligible to maintain accounts for up to 12 months beyond their termination date.


MyID and UGAMail:

  • UGA retirees are able to keep their UGA MyID and UGAMail after retirement.  This practice allows retirees to continue to access some UGA  services after retiring. 
  • However, retirees must log into their account at ugamail.uga.edu at least once a year to keep the account active.
  • UGA retirees who do not access their accounts for a year or more will have their accounts deactivated. Retirees with inactive accounts will receive notices prior to deactivation; if they wish to keep their MyID and UGAMail active, they will have the opportunity to log in and have their account excluded from deactivation. 
  • A retiree's UGAMail box size is reduced from 100 GB to 50 GB upon retirement. Retirees should keep their UGAMail box under 50 GB to prevent sending and receiving issues due to a full mailbox.

Office 365:

  • Retirees do not keep Office 365 applications and products connected to their @uga.edu email address.
  • Retirees maintain access to online Microsoft applications, available upon logging in at ugamail.uga.edu.
  • A retiree's OneDrive for Business account storage is reduced from 1TB to 100GB upon retirement.


Affiliate MyIDs are disabled once all active and qualifying UGA affiliations expire. EITS cannot update your UGA affiliation. Any changes must come through an authoritative system, such as OneUSG Connect. To learn more about who qualifies for a UGA affiliation, please visit the OneSource Faculty and Staff guide.