Budget Management & Planning System

Articles (7)

Getting Familiar with Anaplan

This video provides a quick overview of pages and functions within the Anaplan Budget System.

Adding a Budget Expense

This video walks you through the steps on how to add a Budget Expense

Adding a New Chartstring not Already in Existence to a Line Item Budget.​​​​​​​

In this video, you will learn the steps on how to add a new Chartstring not already in existence to a line item budget.

Adding a Vacant Postion

This video walks you through the steps on how to add a Vacant position

Editing a Funding Dist Overview

This video provides a overview of editing a Funding Distribution

Editing a Funding Dist Single Comp Rate

This video will walk you through the steps on how to edit a Funding Distribution Single Comp Rate.

Submitting a Campus Transfer Request

This video will walk you through the steps to submit a Campus Transfer Request