Entering/Updating Faculty Degree(s)


You can update your degree information in OneUSG Connect. Updated credential information will be routed to the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) for review and approval. OFA must approve all credential updates entered in OneUSG Connect. If a degree, license, or certificate is required for the faculty member's appointment, OFA will request the appropriate documentation to support the new information.


Associated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

SOP_MFE_008 Update Faculty Credentials--Self Service

In this article, you will learn the steps to add, or update, a degree to your talent profile in OneUSG Connect.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the OneUSG Connect. 

On the Employee Self Service page, click the Degrees & Certificates tile.

2. Step 2

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The Talent Profile page defaults to display your existing degrees.

Click the Add button.

3. Step 3

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Click the calendar icon next to the Date Acquired field to select a date.

Note: The system autopopulates the field to the current date. It is important that you select the actual date that the degree was acquired.

4. Step 4

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Select the appropriate date.

Example shown here:  August 12, 2015.

5. Step 5

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You can enter information directly in the Degree field or search for the appropriate option. 

6. Step 6

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Click the look up magnifying glass next to the Degree field to select your degree.

7. Step 7

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The Lookup window for degrees is displayed. You can use any of the fields shown to search for the appropriate degree.

Enter appropriate information into the Description field.

Example shown here: "doctor" into the Description field.

8. Step 8

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Click the Search button.

9. Step 9

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A list of options are displayed.

Click the appropriate degree.

Example shown here: 776 Description Doctor of Philosophy option.

10. Step 10

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Click the look up magnifying glass next to the Major field.

11. Step 11

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The Lookup window for majors is displayed.

Enter appropriate information into the Description field.

Example shown here: "Educational".

12. Step 12

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Click the Search button.

13. Step 13

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Click the appropriate major option.

Example shown here: the Educational Psychology option.

Note: If the degree, license, or credential you wish to add to your profile does not exist in the system, you will need to notify OFA to have the credential added to the system for you to select.

14. Step 14

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Click the look up magnifying glass next to the State field.

15. Step 15

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Enter appropriate search criteria into the State field.

Example shown here: "NE" into the State field to find Nebraska.

16. Step 16

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Click the Search button.

17. Step 17

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Select the appropriate state from the list.

Example shown here: Nebraska.

18. Step 18

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Click the look up magnifying glass next to the School Code field.

19. Step 19

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The search criteria for the School Code is displayed.

Enter appropriate information into the Long Description field.

Example shown here: "University" into the Long Description field.

20. Step 20

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Click the Search button.

21. Step 21

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Select the appropriate school from the list.

Example shown here: 00256500 University of Nebraska option.

22. Step 22

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You can enter information into the Second Major and Minor fields if needed. These fields are optional.

Note: The required fields on this page are denoted with an asterisk (*).

23. Step 23

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Click the button next to the Graduated field to display "Yes".

24. Step 24

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Enter the year that you acquired the specific degree into the Year Acquired field.

Example shown here: "2015".

25. Step 25

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Click the button next to the Terminal Degree for Discipline field to display "Yes" if this is the last degree you can receive in this field of study.

26. Step 26

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Once you have entered all the information, click the Continue button.

27. Step 27

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Click the Submit for Approval button to submit your new credential for approval.

Note: Requests to add/update credentials will be routed to OFA for review and approval in the system. The submitted request will show “pending approval.” The faculty member may be asked to supply the appropriate documentation to support the new credential. Once the request is approved, the change will be reflected immediately.

28. Step 28

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The information is submitted for approval.