Creating an Expense Report


If you are an employee and you wish to receive reimbursement for any travel or non-travel expenses, you will need to create and submit an expense report. If the expense is airfare or conference registration, you can submit a report prior to the proposed travel. If the expenses concerns mileage, meals, or any expenses that is incurred during travel, you will need to submit an expense report within 45 days after the expenses occurred. If you wish to report a non-travel expense, you will choose the appropriate business purpose and set the location to "HEADQ" or headquarters.

All reimbursements from expenses will be directed to the Balance of Net Pay account listed in your OneUSG Connect Profile. For information on how to view or edit your Direct Deposit Information, please check out the article Entering/Updating Direct Deposit Information in the OneUSG Connect (HR/Payroll) Topics section of the OneSource Training Library.

Reimbursements for non-employees are completed in the Accounts Payable module.

In this article, you will learn the steps to create Expense Reports for travel related expense items.

Note: When selecting a Domestic Travel location, search by State name then City name. If the city does not appear select STATE, Standard Rate (Non High Cost for Georgia).

When selecting an International Travel location, search by Country name then City name. If the city does not appear select COUNTRY, Other.

1. Step 1

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First, log into UGA Financial Management System.

On the UGA Financials homepage, click the Expenses tile.

2. Step 2

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The Expenses page is displayed.

Click the Create Expense Report tile.

3. Step 3

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Users can choose from In-State Travel, Out-of-State Travel, Group Travel Paid by Employee or Non-Travel Reimbursement.

It is important to remember that non-travel related reimbursements due to employees are also submitted using an expense report.

Example shown here: Select a travel related option.

Click the Business Purpose drop-down list.

4. Step 4

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Select the appropriate option from the list.

Example shown here: Click the Out-of-State Travel option from the drop-down menu.

5. Step 5

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In the *Description field, you can enter a description for the expense reimbursement.

Examples include things like conference presentation, studies abroad, etc. for travel related reimbursements.

A description for a non-travel reimbursement may include something like Ziploc bags used in research lab.

Example shown here: "Presentation" in the Description field.

6. Step 6

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The Travel To field is the destination for the trip.

Enter the appropriate information into the Travel To field.

Note: For US states, type the State Name first, i.e. FLORIDA. For international locations, type the country first, i.e. FRANCE.

7. Step 7

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A window with matching options is displayed.

Click the appropriate location.

Example shown here: TENNESSEE, Memphis option selected.

8. Step 8

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Note: In the Accounting Defaults field, you can view the ChartField distribution details if you previously keyed in an Accounting Tag.

If an Accounting Tag was not used, the ChartField distribution for the funding source should be entered here.

Click the Accounting Defaults button.

9. Step 9

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Enter the appropriate year into the Bud Ref field.  

Example shown here: "2024" in the Bud Ref field.

10. Step 10

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Enter the appropriate information into the Fund field.  

Example shown here: "10500" in the Fund field.

11. Step 11

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Enter the appropriate information into the Program field.  

Example shown here: "111000" in the Program field.

12. Step 12

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Enter the appropriate information into the Dept field.  

Example shown here: "19111FIB" in the Dept field.

13. Step 13

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Enter the appropriate information into the Class field.

Example shown here: "11800" in the Class field.

14. Step 14

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Click the Done button.

15. Step 15

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Click the Expense Report Action drop-down menu.

16. Step 16

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Click the Add Expense Lines option.

17. Step 17

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The Expense Line Entry page is displayed.

For each expense item, the date the expense was actually incurred should be used.

Enter an appropriate date in the *Date field.

Example shown here: 03/15/2024

18. Step 18

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To view available expense types, click the look-up magnifying glass in the *Expense Type field.

19. Step 19

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Choose the appropriate Expense Type from the Employee Domestic Travel drop-down menu.

Example shown here: Click the D-Car Rental option.

20. Step 20

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Enter the appropriate information into the Description field.  

Example shown here: "Car for AI Conference" in the Description field.

21. Step 21

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Enter the appropriate information into the *Amount field.

Note: The amount entered will not be visible until the Preferred Merchant vendor is selected.

Example shown:  429.11

22. Step 22

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Use the Merchant drop-down menu to select the appropriate vendor status.

23. Step 23

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Click the Preferred Merchant drop-down menu to choose the appropriate vendor.

24. Step 24

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Select the appropriate option.

Example shown here: "Hertz Car Rental"option.

25. Step 25

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Certain expense types, such as car rental, require a receipt be attached for justification.

Click the Attach Receipt (Required) link.

26. Step 26

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The Attachments pop-up window is displayed.

Click the +Add Attachment button.

27. Step 27

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To browse your device for the attachment, click the My Device button.

28. Step 28

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Choose the appropriate file from your device to attach.

Example shown here: Click the Car Rental 2024-03-15 list item.

29. Step 29

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Click the Open button.

30. Step 30

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Click the Upload button.

31. Step 31

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Click the Done button.

32. Step 32

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You can enter a description for the attachment in the Description field.

33. Step 33

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Click the Done button.

34. Step 34

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To add other expenses, click the +Add button.

35. Step 35

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Enter the appropriate information in the Expense Type field or click the look-up magnifying glass to perform a search.

36. Step 36

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Enter the appropriate information into the Description field.

Example shown here: "Hotel for AI Conference" in the Description field.

37. Step 37

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Enter the appropriate information into the *Number of Nights field.

Example shown here: "5" in the *Number of Nights field.

38. Step 38

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Enter the appropriate information into the *Amount field.

Example shown here: "957.00" in the *Amount field.

39. Step 39

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Click the Save button.

40. Step 40

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Click the Review and Submit button.

Note: Before submitting an Expense Report, make sure there are no duplicate lines.  If a duplicate lines exists, select the duplicate item and click the Delete button before proceeding.

41. Step 41

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The Expense Report Summary page is displayed. Travel related expense reports need to be associated with an approved Travel Authorization.

Click the Travel Authorization You have 1 approved Travel Authorization(s) that can be associated to this report link.

42. Step 42

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The Travel Authorization popup window is displayed.

Authorizations for the last 6 months are visible for association to the expense report.

43. Step 43

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Click the Associate button next to the appropriate Travel Authorization.

Example shown here: Click the Associate button for Authorization ID 0100065411 .

44. Step 44

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The Travel Authorization is now associated to the report.

Click the Submit button.

45. Step 45

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The Submission Confirmation dialog box is displayed. 

Note: By submitting an Expense Report, you are stating the expense is related to UGA business and accepting responsibility for the information.

Click the Submit button.

46. Step 46

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The My Expense Report is displayed with the completed Expense Report listed under Awaiting Approval.

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Article ID: 151206
Sun 9/25/22 9:44 AM
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