Teams Phone is a cloud-based phone system by Microsoft, which allows users to place, receive, and transfer calls within the Microsoft Teams application. Users can make calls to contacts in their address book, as well as external phone numbers. Teams Phone can be used on laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets with the Teams application, or on a phone that uses an internet connection to send and receive calls and is compatible with Teams. Automated Attendants, Call Queues, and Shared Devices for common areas are also available.
Who can access Teams Phone?
Teams Phone is available to UGA faculty and staff. Your department or unit must sign up for the service before you can begin using it, and EITS Telephone Services will convert your department or unit to Teams Phone as requested.
How do I access Teams Phone?
UGA faculty and staff who wish to convert to Teams Phone should contact their Departmental Telephone Representative to place an order.
Once your department or unit has been converted to Teams Phone, make sure you have the Microsoft Teams application installed on your devices.
Calls can be made and received through the Call section of the Teams application.
For more information on how to use features in Teams Phone, see our Getting Started with Teams Phone article.
If you need further help with Teams Phone, please contact your Departmental Telephone Representative or Departmental IT Help Desk.