When traveling, if you will not be able to use your normal authentication method such as being outside cellphone coverage or no internet connection on your Duo device, you have a few options when needing to log into UGA accounts.
Using Duo Mobile without Wifi or Mobile connection
If you have a smartphone or tablet set up with Duo Mobile, you can generate a passcode through the app without a Wi-Fi connection or cellular coverage. Changing or removing the SIM card will block this method from working.
To get these passcodes, open the Duo Mobile app on your device. The University of Georgia account should be present. Select the Show button for passcodes for the UGA account.
You should now see the numbers for the passcode. Type this passcode for the Enter a passcode option on an ArchPass, powered by Duo, login page. For the VPN, type this passcode in the Second Password field.
Another passcode will generate automatically after 30 seconds.
Generate Passcode via Hardware Token
The EITS Help Desk offers hardware tokens that produce Duo passcodes. These tokens do not require any cell service or Wi-Fi to use. These are ideal for international travel.
If you would like a hardware token, please stop by the Help Desk with your UGA Card to add one to your account.
EITS Help Desk
101 Cedar Street Athens, GA. 30602
To use the token, click Hardware token.
Press the button on the hardware token to generate a code. Read the code from the token and type it into the Passcode box. Then click Verify.