Scheduling a Zoom Meeting in the Zoom Desktop Application

This guide demonstrates how to set up a Zoom meeting in your Zoom desktop application. The desktop application is free and available for download for macOS, Windows and Linux from the Zoom Download Center

Scheduling a meeting

Once you are logged into your account in the desktop application, click the Schedule Meeting button, which should be located in the middle of the screen.

zoom application main window

A new window will pop up with various options for setting up your meeting.

schedule meeting window

In the Topic text box, title your meeting as necessary. 

In the Date & Time selection box, select the date and time you wish to have your meeting.

In the Duration selection box, indicate how long you want the meeting to last.

The Time Zone selection box should auto-populate with the time zone you are currently in. If it does not, select your current time zone. 

There is a check-box option for Recurring Meeting. If selected, this will allow you to set the meeting to occur at intervals of your choosing. 

The Meeting ID should be set to Generate Automatically. Do not use the Personal Meeting ID, as it is not as secure.

In the Video section, you can chose whether the host and the participants will join the meeting with their cameras on. The host and participants can still turn their cameras on or off as they choose during the meeting.

Security Options

Here are options to help ensure your meeting is secure.

security options section

In the Passcode textbox, a passcode should be automatically generated for you. If not, insert a six-digit passcode into the textbox.

Note: Passcodes should always be used for meetings to prevent uninvited guests from joining.

Below the passcode option is a checkbox for the Waiting Room. This should also be auto-checked. Having the waiting room in place means that users will have to wait for the meeting host to let them into the meeting. If you do not want to have a waiting room, you can turn this feature off by deselecting the checkbox.

There is also an optional checkbox for Only Authenticated Users can Join: Sign in to UGA SSO. This feature does not have to be selected, but if selected, participants will be required log in to the UGA SSO before they can join the meeting.

Other meeting options

At the bottom of the Schedule Meeting window is a section called Advanced Options. Clicking this will display optional settings that can be added to your meeting.

advanced meeting options section

Allow participants to join anytime: If selected, participants can join the meeting before the host joins or without the host.

Mute participants upon entry: If selected, participants will enter the meeting with their microphones automatically muted. Participants can still unmute their microphones as needed.

Automatically record meeting on the local computer: If selected, recordings will start automatically when the meeting starts. The recording will start no matter who enters the meeting first, host or participant.

Approve or block entry to users from specific regions/countries: If selected, the host can either block users from specific places or only allow users from specific places.

Next steps

Once you have configured the settings of your meeting to your liking, click the Save button at the bottom of the page. Your Outlook desktop application should appear, with your Zoom meeting invitation in a new email screen, ready to send to participants. 

To set a recurring meeting with your Zoom invitation, follow the instructions for setting up a recurring meeting in your Outlook calendar.