Listserv FAQs

Do I need to subscribe to my own list?

Yes. If you want to see messages posted to your list, you'll need to subscribe to your list like all other subscribers.

How do I contact a list owner? 

If you are having problems subscribing or unsubscribing to a list, or if you wish to ask the list owner a question, send an email to [listname] Example:

How do I know which lists I'm subscribed to? 

Visit and click Log In. Once you are logged in, scroll down the left side and click Subscriptions. Your current list subscriptions will be displayed. 

How do I find a list of available lists? 

To search a list of lists, visit Available lists are displayed on the homepage. To search for private or confidential lists, type the name of a list in the Access Unlisted Lists search bar.

What are the available list restriction settings? 

LISTSERV allows owners to create lists with restrictions on who may join their list, how subscribers may post messages and if messages may be archived to view.

  • Public: Anyone can post to the list.
  • Private: Only list subscribers can send messages to the list.
  • Editor: Messages will be reviewed by a moderator to be approved or denied. This is also used for "Announce-only" lists.
  • Public, Auto-responder: The list just responds with a set message.

Why can't I send a message to the list?

We usually see this behavior when someone emails a listserv with "Out of Office" in the subject of the email. "Out of Office" emails are dropped automatically to prevent never-ending autoresponder loops between users and the listserv.

If this is the issue, change the subject to something like "I will be away next week" or "How to reach me this Friday" or something similar.

How do I change my listserv name?

Send a plain text email to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.UGA.EDU from the email account you use with listserv. The "from" email address must match the email address you use to log into listserv.

In the body of the email, put:

REGISTER <full name>

(replacing <full name> with the desired name)


Article ID: 153162
Fri 1/13/23 3:36 PM
Mon 7/17/23 2:32 PM