How do I change my name as it appears in eLC?
This information is pulled directly from authoritative sources, such as the student information system and the Human Resources database.
To change your name as it appears in eLC, you must first make sure it is updated with the Registrar's Office (students) and/or your internal Human Resources department (faculty and staff). Changes to information take one business day to propagate into eLC.
How do I cross-list my courses?
eLC courses are automatically cross-listed based on data from Athena. Courses that are taught at the same time, in the same location, by the same instructor should be automatically cross-listed with no action required by you.
We can also create manual cross-listings based on your needs. For example, we can cross-list all of the BIOL1108L courses so that the instructor can manage the course content in only one course as opposed to 10 courses. Or we can cross-list the three sections of the same course, ACCT2101, that you are teaching. Instead of managing 3 separate courses, you'd only need to manage the content for one course.
Please submit an eLC Course Groups Request to request a manual cross-listing.
How do I export grades in eLC?
To export grades in eLC, please follow the instructions on the Center for Teaching and Learning's website.
Can I use eLC for a non-Athena course or for committee work?
Yes, this may be an option. Please submit a eLC Course Request.