Google Shared Drives

A Google Workspace Shared Drive offers a collaboration space within Google Drive. With a Google Shared Drive, files are “owned” by the University and the members of the Shared Drive, instead of an individual.

Storing files in a Shared Drive ensures that the team is responsible for the data rather than each individual being responsible for their own documents, and helps to ensure files critical to team work and collaboration are not gone when an individual leaves UGA.

For more information about Shared Drives, and how they differ from your My Drive, visit Google's Support page.

Who can purchase a Shared Drive?

UGA faculty and staff may purchase a Shared Drive.

How do I get a Shared Drive?

Google Shared Drives are granted through the purchase of a Google Workspace Teaching & Learning license from CDW via UGAMart. Each license gives you one 100GB Shared Drive, at a cost of $48/year, prorated to be renewed by December 12 each year. 

You can purchase one T&L license for one 100GB Shared Drive, multiple T&L licenses for one larger Shared Drive, or multiple T&L licenses for several 100GB Shared Drives. Shared Drives cannot be smaller than 100GB.

We recommend at least two Managers per Shared Drive to ensure availability and continuity when needed. Managers have full contol over the Shared Drive and assign access levels to Shared Drive members.

When you're ready to proceed with purchasing one or more Shared Drives, proceed to the Shared Drive Request form. After we receive your request, we will coordinate between you and our CDW representative to initiate the purchase order in UGAMart.

Google Shared Drive creation

Faculty and staff who have purchased Shared Drive storage will have a Shared Drive created for them by a Google Workspace Administrator. 

Viewing Shared Drives and Storage Used

To see Shared Drives that you manage or have access to, log into, then click on Shared drives in the left menu.

Google Workspace Shared Drives Location

Shared Drive Managers can see their quota by clicking on the Shared Drive name, then clicking the i in the upper right corner of the screen. Storage used will be in the Drive details section in the right hand panel.

Restoring Deleted Files

If any files are accidentally deleted from a Google Shared Drive, you have 30 days to restore them from the Shared Drive trash before they are permanently deleted.