How to download archives of a Lists posts

If you only need to export a small number of postings, it may be easiest to Print them from the web interface:

Log into the Listserv site at with your listserv email and password.

If you do not see your lists once you log in, select List Dashboard under List Management.

Select the list you are needing the archives for.

Select the message you want to export.

Select the printer icon on the far right side of the screen.

Once you select the printer icon, your print options will be displayed. Choose Save as PDF to save a file of the message. 

Getting Archives via email

Send an email to The email message should be Index <<<listname>>>

 You will receive an emailed reply from the listserv with a list of filenames and file types.

To get copies of each of these files, send an email to  

Put get <<<filename.filetype>>> in the body of the message.  Example: get CMB.LOG9908

Each of these files will be emailed to you separately.