SendFiles FAQs

Can I send a secure message or a file to (or receive one from) someone without a UGAMail email address?

Yes. To send a message, simply add the email address of the person of your choice to the “To” section of the message. They will be notified at that email address and will have a temporary account set up for them to access your message or files.

If you want to have someone from a non-UGA email address send you a file, you must first send them a message through SendFiles so a temporary account can be made for them. Once that is done, they will be able to log into and send files from SendFiles.

How big is my Home folder? How much can I keep there?

The folder size quota on your Home folder (which includes all subfolders) is 2GB. You can keep as many files and folders there as you wish as long as they are under 2GB total.

What's the largest file I can send?

You can send secure messages with a total attachment size of 4GB in a single message. This can be many small files that can add up to 4GB, or a single 4GB file. A maximum of 9GB can be sent over a 30 day period across multiple messages.

Does sending files in SendFiles take up space in my UGAMail mailbox?

No. All messages and attachments sent through the SendFiles service never make it to your UGAMail Inbox or Sent Items. The only items that go to your UGAMail mailbox are the SendFiles notification messages, which are very small.

All of the messages and files that I've sent and received have disappeared from my SendFiles mailbox folder. Where did they go and can I get them back?

All of the messages and files sent by you and received by you are stored in your SendFiles mailbox folders for up to 30 days. This is not a setting that can be changed. The messages and files cannot be restored. If you need to keep a message or a file longer than 30 days, you will need to download it and upload it to your Home folder for permanent storage.

Why am I not able to send to a UGA recipient? I've been able to send messages to this person in the past.

The recipient's account may be locked in SendFiles. Please contact the recipient via UGAMail or by phone and ask for them to contact the EITS Help Desk to resolve this issue with their account in SendFiles.

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Tue 3/21/23 8:17 AM
Wed 9/4/24 3:44 PM