How can I add or delete subscribers to my list?

There are several ways to add or delete subscribers.

To add or remove a subscriber (Option 1):

Go to the UGA LISTSERV home page (

Click Log In and log in with your listserv email and password. 

Click List Management on the pull down menu.

Select Subscriber Options.

If you have more than one list, select the list you need in the Select List drop down.

Once you select your list, a window will come up.

Enter the subscriber's information in the Email Address and Name section. Each subscriber must be entered as Subscriber Name <>

Select Add subscriber

You will use the same window to delete a subscriber.

Search for the user you need to delete from the list by putting the user's email address in the Search for Subscribers section.

Select Search.

Once you select search, user will display. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Delete.

Note: Make sure you do not select Delete From All Lists. 

To add or remove a subscriber (Option 2):

Go to the UGA LISTSERV home page (

Click Log In.

Click List Management on the pull down menu.

Select List Dashboard.

Once you see the list you are needing to remove/add subscribers to, select the blue number under the Subscribers section.

Once you select the number, another screen will display to add/remove subscribers.

To add a single subscriber, enter in the user's email address followed by name. Ex: Subscriber Name

Select Add Subscriber.

To remove a subscriber, select the user in the list below. If you have many subscribers, you can search for the subscriber by putting their subscribed email address in the search box below Subscribers.

How do I add multiple subscribers (via bulk) to my list?

There are two methods to add multiple subscribers to your list: By the website or via email. 

To add subscribers via the LISTSERV website:

Add the subscribers information to an Excel sheet. The subscriber's email address and name should be together in one cell. 

When you are finished, save the file type as Text (Tab delimited).

Go to the UGA LISTSERV home page (

Click Log In and log in with your listserv email and password. 

Click List Management on the pull down menu.

Click List Dashboard.

Select the blue number under the Subscribers section for the list you need to edit.

A new page will display. Select Bulk Operations.

A new window will display. Select Add the imported addresses to the list.    

Select Choose File.

A new window will display. Select the Excel sheet you created with the subscribers information and select Open.

You will see your Excel sheet in the Choose File section.

Select Import.

You will receive a message letting you know if there were any issues adding the subscribers. If there are no errors, your subscribers have been added to your list. Click the X to close the window. 

Add multiple subscribers via email (Option 1):

Address a message to

In the body of the message, type:

quiet add listname dd=ddname import pw=yourlistserve password 
//ddname dd* 
emailaddress1 firstname lastname 
emailaddress2 firstname lastname 
emailaddress3 firstname lastname /* 

Add multiple subscribers via email (Option 2):

Address a message to

In the body of the message, type:

quiet add listname emailadress 1 
quiet add listname emailadress 2 
quiet add listname emailadress 3

How do I delete multiple subscribers using the bulk function via email?

You can use email to delete multiple subscribers at one time.

Option 1

Address a message to

In the body of the message, type:

quiet del listname dd=ddname import pw=yourlistserve password 
//ddname dd* 
emailaddress1 firstname lastname 
emailaddress2 firstname lastname 
emailaddress3 firstname lastname /*

Option 2

Address a message to

In the body of the message, type:

quiet del listname emailadress 1 
quiet del listname emailadress 2 
quiet del listname emailadress 3


Article ID: 154423
Fri 3/17/23 2:02 PM
Mon 8/7/23 8:26 AM