Viewing Open Encumbrances and Outstanding Transactions


This section contains tutorials that walk you through the queries and reports available to you as you review open encumbrances and other pending transaction during the year-end budget review process.

This may include the following:

Name Description Location
UGA_PO_OPEN_AMOUNT_CF Open POs by Department, Project, Financials PO#, UGAmart PO#, or Click SubID#

UGA Financials -

Query Viewer

Pending User Submission queries for each of the following transactions:

  • Travel Authorizations
  • Expense Reports
  • Payment Requests
  • GL Journals
  • Budget Journals
  • Budget Transfers
  • Journal Vouchers
Query results list of pending (unsubmitted) transactions by department

UGA Financials -

Business Management WorkCenter

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