Running the Entry - Pending Budget Transfers Query



Use the UGA_KK_JRNL_XFER_PENDING_POST query to review budget transfers that have yet to be posted from your unit or department.

You can also access this query using the Query Viewer tile, located on the UGA Financials homepage.

In this article, you will learn how to run the UGA_KK_JRNL_XFR_PENDING_POST query to find the budget transfers from your department that have been created but not submitted for approval.

1. Step 1

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 First, log into the Financial Management System

Click the Classic Home tile.

2. Step 2

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To navigate to the Business Management Workcenter , select:

Main Menu > UGA > Business Management Workcenter

3. Step 3

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The Business Management Workcenter is displayed.

The queries are found on the Reports/Queries tab.

Click the Reports/Queries tab.

4. Step 4

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Click the Entry - Pending Budget Transfers link.

5. Step 5

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The parameters for the UGA_KK_JRNL_XFR_PENDING_POST query are displayed.

Enter all or part of your department into the  Dept  field. If you use the entire Department ID, do not use the wildcard. Use the wild card if you are entering a partial department ID.

Example shown here: " 34% " in the Dept field.

6. Step 6

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With your parameters entered, click the View Results button to run the query.

7. Step 7

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The results of the query are displayed.

Note : Data has been distorted to protect employee information.

Results include the name of the employee who entered the budget transfer, the journal ID and description, the date of the transfer, the budget status, and the posting status.   

8. Step 8

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Click on the hyperlinked journal ID number to display the budget transfer details in view only mode.

Example shown here: 1000002170 link.

9. Step 9

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A new page opens with the original journal header information displayed in the Budget Header tab.  

10. Step 10

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To review or add comments, click the Attachments link.

Note: The number within the parenthesis displays the current number of attachments.

11. Step 11

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The Budget Journal Attachments page is displayed. Review any existing attachments in the Details section by clicking the hyperlink to see the attachment.

12. Step 12

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To return to the Budget Header page, click the OK button.

13. Step 13

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Click the Budget Lines tab to review the status of the journal.

14. Step 14

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The Budget Lines tab displays with information regarding where the money is going and coming from.

15. Step 15

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Use the scrollbar to review the full chartstring and transfer amount.

Note: The order of the ChartField values may vary depending on the set up of your preferences.

16. Step 16

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To review any budget errors detected within the budget transfer, click the Budget Errors tab.

17. Step 17

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The Budget Errors tab displays. Any detected errors are separated into the Header Errors and Line Errors sections based on their location.

18. Step 18

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When you have finished your review, close the page.

Click the Return to Search button.

19. Step 19

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You can export the report to an Excel Spreadsheet.

Click the Excel SpreadSheet  link and follow the prompts to open as an Excel document.

20. Step 20

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The report is opened in an Excel spreadsheet. You can use all of the Excel features to work with the data.

21. Step 21

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Close the spreadsheet when you have finished your review.

Click the Close button

22. Step 22

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Continue to review the report.

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