02 Restricted VPN Access

Department Heads, DNLs, HR liaisons or business managers can request authorization for employees to log in to the 02 Restricted VPN group to access sensitive and restricted data.

Logging in to the 02 Restricted VPN group is required to access specific information systems at UGA with Restricted Data.  Please indicate which system(s) the employee is required to access in the justification field on the request form. For requests for multiple users (five or more), please email the EITS Help Desk.

Login to the 02 Restricted VPN group also requires a device enrolled in ArchPass, UGA’s two-step login solution.  When authorization to the 02 Restricted VPN is granted, the employee will receive instructions on how to login to the VPN group and how to enroll a device in ArchPass.

Do not fill out this form if you only need to log in to the 01 Default VPN group.  Special authorization is not required for 01 Default group access.



Request Access


Service ID: 54081
Mon 10/30/23 2:55 PM
Thu 6/27/24 1:45 PM