For guests and visitors, the University of Georgia offers a self-service wireless network, UGA_Visitors_WiFi. Guests can connect to this network through a self-service portal without contacting the Help Desk for a password.
Who can access UGA_Visitors_WiFi?
UGA_Visitors_WiFi can be used by guests to the university, parents of incoming or current students, visiting fans and others without a MyID.
How do I access UGA_Visitors_WiFi?
Visit the WiFi Settings on your device. Under available networks, Select UGA_Visitors_WiFi.

A new window in your device's web browser should appear. If it does not, navigate to your web browser and try to access a website; the browser should automatically redirect to our access portal.
Click the checkbox to Agree to the Terms and Conditions and click Start to proceed.

To access UGA_Visitors_WiFi, you need a verification code. If you do not already have one, you can receive one via email or via SMS text message.

Choose an option for receiving a code, enter your phone number or email information, and click Send. You will receive a verification code via email or text.

Enter the verification code in the box provided. Click Continue to connect to the UGA_Visitors_WiFi network.