This article shows how to split expense charges across multiple charstrings by both percentage and dollar amount.
For more information on the Expense Reports process, see the Creating an Expense Report and Submitting an Expense Report articles.
To split all charges between chartstrings based on percentages, use the Accounting Defaults option on the Expense Report General Information page.
Click the Accounting Defaults button.

The Expense Report Default pop-up window is displayed along with any previously entered chartstring(s).
To add a new chartstring, click the New Row [+] button.

A new blank row is added.
Note: Dept 74999999 must be updated to the appropriate Dept information.

The total of all rows in the Percentage % column must equal 100.00.

Enter the appropriate information in the existing chartsting Percentage % field.
Example shown here: 60.00
Enter the appropriate information in the Percentage % field for the added row(s).
Example shown here: 40.00

Enter the appropriate information in the Bud Ref field.
Example shown here: 2024.

Continue entering the appropriate information in the required Fund, Program, Dept, and Class fields.
Example shown here: Fund: 10000, Program: 16400, Dept: 19111FIB, Class: 11200.
Note: If using Project funds, Project ID, PC Bus Unit, and Activity information are required.

Once all the appropriate information has been entered,
click the Done button.

The Accounting Defaults information is updated with the number of chartstrings entered.
Example shown here: 2
To split expenses based on amount, click the Update Details button.
Enter the appropriate information in the New Expense window.
For more information on entering expenses, click here.

Ensure that all required information including the Amount has been entered.

To split an expense by amount, click the Accounting button.

The Expense Report Distributions pop-up is displayed.
Note: The Amount information is populated based on any percentage distribution information entered via the Accounting Details on the General Information page.

To add another chartstring, click the Add Row [+] button.
The existing rows and values are displayed along with the new row.
Note: The Amount information in the pop-up header and the total for all rows in the Amount fields must match.

Enter updated information in the Amount fields for the existing chartstrings.
Example shown here: 400.00 and 200.00

Enter the appropriate information in the Amount field(s) of the new row(s)
Example shown here: 108.13

With all Amount field information entered,
click the Show All tab.

The full chartstring information is displayed for all distribution rows.
Enter the appropriate information in the required Fund, Program, Dept, Class , and Bud Ref fields.
Note: If using Project funds, Project ID, PC Bus Unit, and Activity information are required.

When all information has been entered in the appropriate fields,
click the Done button.

You are returned to the Expense Entry page, and the Accounting information is updated to reflect the number of chartstrings used for expense distribution.

Click the Save button.
You can continue adding Expense lines, making additional edits, or submit the expense report.
Additional Resources:
At this time, no additional resources are available for this topic.