Exploring Expense Types: Lodging


When creating an expense report, expense types must be entered in order to submit the report for reimbursement. This tutorial will walk you through how to add your lodging and a wifi charge to the expense report.

Travelers (or their delegates) can now enter lodging costs for rooms as one line item instead of entering lodging rates for each day. Use the new "Number of Nights" field to enter the number of nights per lodging receipt. Costs on the lodging receipt, such as wi-fi, will still need to be entered separately.

Upon submission, the expense types are converted to account codes. If you have an expense report denied or pushed back to you from an approver asking for you to correct the account code, they expect you to change the expense type of the lines. You may have mixed Domestic and International expense types or you may have not chosen the most accurate expense type for that line.


Tutorial Resources

Quick Start for Travel

Travel Related Expense Types

Adding Receipts from Phones (Video)


In this article, you will learn how to use the lodging expense type in the UGA Financial Management System.

Note: When selecting a Domestic Travel location, search by State name then City name.  If the city does not appear select STATE, Standard Rate (Non High Cost for Georgia).

When selecting an International Travel location, search by Country name then City name.  If the city does not appear select COUNTRY, Other.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.

Starting from the Expense Entry page within your expense report, click the calendar icon within the Date field.

2. Step 2

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A calendar is displayed.

Select the date on which the expense was incurred.

Example shown here: May 7, 2024 .

3. Step 3

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To search through the available expense types, click the lookup magnifying glass within the Expense Type field.

4. Step 4

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The Expense Type Search pop-up box is displayed.

When recording lodging expenses, you need to take into account the travel destination. If the location is domestic , you will select D-Lodging from the Employee Domestic Travel section. If the location is international , you will select the I-Lodging from the Employee International Travel section.

Note: The process to record these expense types on reports are identical, but they are charted to different account codes. Failure to use the correct type will result in your report being sent back by Accounts Payable.

Click the D-Lodging expense type to indicate domestic travel-related lodging.

5. Step 5

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Enter a brief description of the lodging expense into the Description field. This description could include dates, location, etc.

6. Step 6

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Enter the lump sum total for your entire stay into the Amount field.

Example shown here: "750".

7. Step 7

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Enter the number of nights for your stay into the Number of Nights field. This information is used to itemize the expense to meet accounting requirements.

Example shown here: "3".

8. Step 8

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If you were lodging in a city besides the location reported on your approved travel authorization, you would record the lodging location in the Expense Location field.

9. Step 9

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To attach your receipt from the lodging establishment, click the Attach Receipt button.

10. Step 10

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The Attachments pop-up box is displayed. From this page, you will be able to add new attachments and manage existing attachments.

Click the Add Attachment button.

11. Step 11

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Click the My Device button.

12. Step 12

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You will be directed to select a file from your computer.

Select the appropriate file to attach.

13. Step 13

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After selecting the appropriate file, click the Upload button.

14. Step 14

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Click the Done button.

15. Step 15

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You have the option to provide a brief note about the attachment into the Attachment Note field.

Example shown here: "Hotel Reservation Receipt".

16. Step 16

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Click the Done button.

17. Step 17

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A green banner temporarily appears at the top of the page to inform you that the attachment was successful.

18. Step 18

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If your lodging establishment requires a separate charge for Wi-Fi, you would report that as a separate miscellaneous expense.

To add a new expense line, click the Add Expense button.

19. Step 19

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Enter the date the expense was incurred into the Date field.

20. Step 20

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To choose an expense type, click the lookup magnifying glass within the Expense Type field.

21. Step 21

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The Expense Type Search pop-up box is displayed.

As you continue to create expense lines, your expense type history is saved and displayed in the Frequently Used tab.

Click the All Types tab.

22. Step 22

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If you incur an expense that doesn't fit into any of the provided expense types, you would record it as a miscellaneous expense.

If your trip is domestic, select D-Misc Exp Domestic Travel.

If your trip is international, select I-Misc Exp International Travel.

Example shown here: click the D-Misc Exp Domestic Travel expense type.

23. Step 23

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Enter an appropriate description of the miscellaneous expense into the Description field.

Example shown here: "Wifi for the stay".

24. Step 24

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Enter the expense amount into the Amount field.

Example shown here: "32.00".

25. Step 25

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To add an attachment, click the Attach Receipt button and follow the same steps of locating and uploading the file as you did before.

26. Step 26

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Once the attachment is successfully added, click the Save button to save your progress.

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