When creating an expense report, expense types must be entered in order to submit the report for reimbursement. This tutorial will walk you through how to add your lodging and a wifi charge to the expense report.
Travelers (or their delegates) can now enter lodging costs for rooms as one line item instead of entering lodging rates for each day. Use the new "Number of Nights" field to enter the number of nights per lodging receipt. Costs on the lodging receipt, such as wi-fi, will still need to be entered separately.
Upon submission, the expense types are converted to account codes. If you have an expense report denied or pushed back to you from an approver asking for you to correct the account code, they expect you to change the expense type of the lines. You may have mixed Domestic and International expense types or you may have not chosen the most accurate expense type for that line.
Tutorial Resources
Quick Start for Travel
Travel Related Expense Types
Adding Receipts from Phones (Video)