After uploading a journal, it must be edited. Once the edit is complete and the Journal Status and Budget Status are Valid, the journal is ready to be submitted for approval.
You can do these steps while the journal is still open after editing, or you may do this step at a later time.
In this article you will learn how to submit a journal for editing.
This step should be performed at the end of editing, since the journal is already opened. In this example, you will search for journals that are ready to submit.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the Employee Self Service dropdown button to activate the menu.
Click the UGA Financials link.
Open the General Ledger tile on the UGA Financials homepage.
Click the General Ledger tile.
Open the Journal Transactions menu.
Click the Journal Entries link.
Close the menu.
Click the Close menu button.
You need to search for valid journals to submit for approval.
Click the Find an Existing Value tab.
Enter search criteria to find a specific journal. You must have the Business Unit. It is also helpful to enter your MyID to find the journals that you created.
Then you can search for Valid journals.
Click the Journal Header Status list.
Click the Valid Journal - Edits Complete list item.
The Header page opens. You can review the status on the Lines page.
Click the Search button.
Click the link for the journal you want approved.
Example shown here: " 0000000865 ".
Click the Lines tab.
The Journal Status and Budget Status are found at the bottom right of the Lines page. Before submitting, these should both be "V".
After verifying the valid status, open the Approval page.
Click the Approval tab.
The Approval Status section shows the current approval status and any approval actions that have been taken. You can return to this page to check on the status of the approval after submitting.
Submit the journal for approval.
Click the Submit button.
The Journal Approval path is displayed showing the route that the approvals will take.
Note that in the Approval Status section that the Approval Status is Pending.
You can click on the link in each box of the path to see who will approve.
Click the Multiple Approvers link.
Each approvers name will appear.
Note: Data has been distorted to protect employee information.
Click the Close button.
After approval, you can see the status of each approver.
Click the Expand button for the Approval History section.
To check the Approval Status column to see which approver approved the journal, click the Collapse button for the Approval History section.
Additional Information:
Supporting documentation must be attached to all General Ledger Journals and should reflect the entry being made. A good rule of thumb is to include an electronic copy of what was used to create the journal entry. For intra-university charges (tickets), invoices should be attached that equal the revenue amount being credited. For correcting/moving a transaction, provide supporting documentation that shows where the transaction originally posted. Remember to be concise with journal entries and combine documents when reasonable; reviewing fewer documents can be helpful for your approvers! Documents included are also available during auditing and historical review. Examples of supporting documentation: