This article explains how to edit the research percentage of an existing tuition wavier without changing the waiver code for Grad Assistants on DPAS waivers.

The Forms page is displayed with you available waiver types.
Click the Waiver Request (G104) link.

The Waiver Requests page is displayed.
To view completed waiver requests, click the Submitted Requests tab.

Your previously submitted Waiver Requests are displayed. If necessary, use the search filters to locate the appropriate information.
To begin editing, click the Research Percentage button.
Example shown here: Anderson, Jacob 811001237 option

The Waiver Request Percentage pop-up window is displayed.
The current Term, Research % and Project ID are located at the bottom of the window.
To calculate the correct percentage information, divide the hours spent on research related activites by the graduate students total hours.
For example, a graduate assistant is working 15 hours as a teaching assistant (GTA) and 5 hours on a research project (GRA) could charge 25% tuition to the research project and earn up to 1.5x in tuition return on the portion charged to the project.
Enter the appropriate information in the Research % field.
Example shown here: 51 in the Research % field.

Enter the appropriate information in the Project ID field.
Example shown here: RESEARCH2023 in the Project ID field.

Click the Save button.

An error message is displayed stating the entered precentage exceeds the allowable 50%. If more than 50% of a waiver is being paid by a project, see the Replacing and Existing Waiver article to update the Attribute to RIAS or RIAT.
Click the [X] Close button to dismiss the error message.

Enter the appropriate information (less than 50%) in the Research % field.
Example shown here: 25 in the Research % field.
Click the Save button. |

A message is displayed at the top stating that the Research percentage data has been updated. The current percentage and any previous values (if applicable) are displayed in the table at the bottom of the pop-up window.
Additional Resources:
At this time, no additional resources are available for this topic.