Claiming GTRIP tuition return funds


UGA has made a $5 million per year commitment to growing graduate enrollment by creating the Graduate Tuition Return Incentive Program (GTRIP). This incentive program applies to sponsored proposals that budget graduate tuition in addition to GRA assistantships or training grant stipends. GTRIP returns a multiplier of tuition dollars included on grants to the principal investigator’s (PI) unit to support additional graduate assistantships. Learn more on the GTRIP website

This article outlines the process for claiming your GTRIP tuition return. 

See also: GTRIP FAQs

  1. Step 1: Submit tuition waiver in GradStatus (use RIAS or RIAT code)

Follow these steps to submit a tuition waiver for the applicable student(s) in the GradStatus portal. 

During this process, you will select the appropriate waiver code (AKA "attribute").

Important: Only the RIAS and RIAT waiver codes will initiate GTRIP tuition return. 

  • RIAS: Students who are supported on an assistantship, but their tuition is paid from a sponsored project rather than being waived. 
  • RIAT:  Students who are supported on a training grant, but their tuition is paid from a sponsored project, rather than being waived. 


  2. Step 2: Submitter will receive an email about your tuition return options

The individual who submitted the waiver request in GradStatus will automatically receive an email requesting information for your tuition return.  

Click Open Request to submit your information. If someone else in your unit handles the financial information for Graduate Assistants, please forward the email. 

  3. Step 3: Submit your selections for your tuition return

Once you click Open Request, you will see a screen requesting information for your tuition return. Enter the following: 

  • Principal Investigator (PI) Name - this is optional, but it may be useful to you later
  • Out of state student - confirm whether the Graduate Assistant is in-state or out-of-state
  • Is this an NIH T32 Training Grant - answer yes or no
  • Fiscal Year for Tuition Return Funds - select this year or next year (funds must be spent in the year they are received)
  • Enter the desired chartstring for your tuition return - only the program and department chartfields are required; others are optional
  • Email(s) of others who should be notified - if you enter emails here, it will notify them in future steps of the process (it may be helpful to include financial contacts)

Once you have entered the above information, click Submit Update.

  4. Step 4: Submit Charge to Account form

The individual who submitted the tuition waiver request in GradStatus (plus any additional contacts that were added in the step above) will receive an email requesting confirmation that the Charge to Account form has been submitted to Student Account Services. 

Learn how to submit the Charge to Account Form here

Once the Charge to Account form has been submitted, click the Open request button in the email. 

  5. Step 5: Confirm submission of Charge to Account form

Click the green Charge to Acct Request Made button to confirm that the Charge to Account form was submitted. 

This completes the departmental steps in the process.

The Graduate School, Finance Division, and Budget Office will coordinate to process your tuition return. 

  6. Step 6: Track your tuition return if desired

This webpage provides options for tracking your GTRIP funds. 

Click the View Tuition Return Status link. 


  7. Step 7: How to monitor your tuition return 

All GTRIP entries will be displayed by department.

Informational columns include:

  • Student name
  • Project ID
  • PI name (if entered in step 3 above)
  • Semester for tuition payment
  • Tuition return amount (this will show $0 until it has been added by Student Account Services),
  • Requestor (this will show the individual who entered the tuition waiver in GradStatus in step 1 above
  • Fiscal year the department selected to receive the tuition return

Status columns include: 

  • Charge to Account form: Has the department confirmed submission of the Charge to Account form (step 5 above)
  • Chartstring for Tuition Return: Has the department provided a chartstring for their tuition return (step 3 above)
  • Status: This is the overall status of the tuition return. Once this field shows "Completed," the tuition return funds have been dispersed. 

Additional Resources:

Additional information on GTRIP is available here:

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