This article will show you how to log into the GradStatus Portal and submit a Waiver Request form. This waiver form is for requesting the addition of a tuition waiver for a student benefiting from assistantship and other waivers.
See also: Graduate School FAQs
If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate School Business office at
The UGA SSO prompt is displayed.
Enter your MyID and Password in the appropriate fields.
Click the Login button.

The GradStatus homepage is displayed.
Click on the Forms tab.

The forms pages is displayed with your available forms.
Click the either the G104 or the Waiver Request (G104) links.
Note: If the Waiver Request is not listed in your options, complete the GradStatus Access Request Form. You will need your UGA MyID, 81X Number, and a list of departments will access in GradStatus.
Departments in GradStatus are different from the Department ID in the OneSource system. To process your request promptly, please use the UGA department name.

The Waiver Requests page is displayed and defaults to the Form tab. See the Submitted Requests article to check on your prior requests status.
Enter the appropriate student information in the Name (Last Name, First Name Middle) and UGA ID (81x number must match the Student Information System) fields.
Example shown: Doe, John and 811XXXXXX

For users with only one department, the appropriate Department information is automatically selected.
Note: If you have access to multiple departments, select the appropriate option from the Department drop-down menu.

Click the Add button to create a new waiver request.

Select the appropriate option from the Residency drop-down menu.
Example shown here: Georgia Resident.

Select the term for which the waiver is being requested from the (Start) Term drop-down menu.
Example shown here: 202402 - Spring 2024.

For Summer semester requests of DPAS or RIAS waivers, the Assistantship Start Date and Assistantship End Date fields are required.

Select the appropriate Attribute and Assistantship Type options.
Optionally, if you would like assistance in identifying the correct new attribute type,
click the [i] Help me select the correct attribute button.

The "Select from the following" options are displayed. Choose the appropriate option.
Example shown here: Student's tution will be paid from a research grant or sponsored project.
Refer to the brief attribute descriptions included above the form fields section. Attributes include:
- DPAS: Students who are supported on a departmental assistantship.
- RIAS: Students who are supported on an assistantship, but their tuition is paid from a sponsored project rather than being waived. (Participant of the GTRIP program)
- RIAT: Students who are supported on a training grant, but their tuition is paid from a sponsored project, rather than being waived. (Participant of the GTRIP program)
- GRFL: Students who are paid out of a graduate fellowship stipend.
- GRTG (Not Frequently Used): Students who are paid on a training grant but are non-GTRIP participants.
Note: DPAS waiver codes will roll forward between Fall and Spring for current students. All other waiver codes must be re-submitted each semester.
The Attribute and Assistantship Type fields are automatically populated. These fields are still editable, as departments are ultimately responsible for selecting the correct waiver attribute.
For waivers involving Grants or Sponsored Projects, the Project ID field is displayed.
Enter the appropriate information in the Project ID field.
Example shown here: GRADPROJ2024.
Note: The Assistantship Type codes are Graduate Assistant (GA), Graduate Laboratory Assistant (GLA), Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), or Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA).

Click the Hide waiver select help link to minimize.

Select the appropriate option under Will a percentage of this graduate assistant's tuition be charged a sponsored project? Note: If 100% of the student's tuition will be charged to a sponsored project, this field can be left blank.
Example shown here: YES

If you selected Yes, the Sponsored % field is displayed.
Enter the appropriate number in the Sponsored % and Project ID fields.
Example shown here: 25 for 5 out of 20 hours being spent on sponsored activities.

Select the appropriate option under Will this graduate assistant’s mandatory student health insurance subsidy be charged to the same chartstring as their salary?
If the student health insurance subsidy is being charged to the same chartstring as their salary, click the Yes button.
If another chartstring is being used for the health insurance subsidy, click the No button.
Example shown here: No

Enter the appropriate information in the Acount, FY, Fund, Program, Department and Class fields. The Project related information must also be completed if a percentage of the student's waiver is being paid by a Grant or Sponsored Project.
Information can be entered in the optional Opr/Unit, Project, BusUnit, ActID and Chartfield 1 fields.

Multiple applications can be added and submitted simultaneously.
To add another student to the application click the New Form button.

A new section is added to the application. You can enter additional information in the new row(s).
To delete the section, click the X Delete button.

Once all the required information is entered,
click the Submit all requests button.

A message saying, "Student name A new waiver request has been successfully submitted."
Additional Resources:
At this time, no additional resources are available for this topic.