This article will show you how to log into the GradStatus Portal and review the status of a previously submitted Waiver Request form.
See also: Graduate School FAQs
If you have any questions, please contact the Graduate School Business office at gradfinance@uga.edu
The UGA SSO prompt is displayed.
Enter your MyID and Password in the appropriate fields.
Click the Login button.

The GradStatus homepage is displayed.
Click on the Forms tab.

The forms pages is displayed with your available forms.
Click the either the G104 or the Waiver Request (G104) links.
Note: If the Waiver Request is not listed in your options, complete the GradStatus Access Request Form. You will need your UGA MyID, 81X Number, and a list of departments you will access in GradStatus.
Departments in GradStatus are different from the Department ID in the OneSource system. To process your request promptly, please use the UGA department name.

The Waiver Requests page is displayed and defaults to the Form tab. To see your prior submissions,
click the Submitted Requests tab.
The Request Status page is displayed. Each waiver is listed including information on: Student Name/UGA ID, Attribute/Life Span, Asst Type, Task, Submitted, and Status. Additional functions are available for Related waivers, Chartstring Information and Adding Policy Waivers. |

Results can be further narrowed using the search fields at the top of the Submitted Forms page.

If you have permissions for multiple departments, click the Department dropdown menu.

A list of available departments is displayed.
Click to select the appropriate Department option.
Example shown here: Bioinformatics, Institute of

To narrow waiver requests to those needing additional action, click the Action dropdown menu.

Click the Needs Action Only option.

You must click the Search button to apply information in the Search fields.
Click the Search button.

Only requests in "Needs Action Only" are displayed.
To view additional information on a waiver and its processing status,
click the Details (hamburger) button to the left of the Show History button on the appropriate row.
Example shown: Drummond, Kimberly Dated: 8/5/2024

The Waiver Details popup is displayed.
The Status section shows the current status of the Record. The possible statuses are:
Status |
Meaning |
Completed |
The request has been processed successfully and is complete. |
Pending |
This status is assigned when a waiver request is initially submitted. |
Attribute Processed |
This status is assigned when the Registrar’s Office has entered the requested attribute. |
Exemption Processed |
This status is assigned when the Graduate School office has entered a waiver exemption. |

The Progress section shows information under the following workflow steps:
- Submit - the initial submission date/time and the requester’s name
- Batch - when the record is sent to the registrar's office and the submitter's name
- Attribute - when the Registrar’s Office processes the record by adding/removing a requested waiver attribute and the Graduate School validates the result
- Exemption - populated when a corresponding exemption code is updated for the requested waiver attribute by the Graduate School Business Office
- Complete - when the waiver has been successfully processed

Click the [X] Close button in the top right of the popup to return.

To find related information from the Request Status page, click the Show History button.
Example Shown: Related button in the row for Drummond, Kimberly date 8/5/2024

The Related Waiver Requests popup is displayed for that student. More information on these waivers can be viewed by clicking the appropriate Details (hamburger) button.
To return, click the [X] Close button.

To view or add a policy waiver, click the Policy Waiver button.
The Policy Waivers popup is displayed. The following are required to submit: checking the I Agree box, the Completion Date, a Justification and attaching Supporting Documents. Supporting documents must be in a PDF format.
Note: Policy Waivers can only be completed by the individual that originally submitted the request.
Once all required information is entered, click the Submit button.

For waivers with attributes that do NOT span multiple terms (GRFL, GRTG, RIAS, and RIAT), additional actions can be taken.
Click the Select action to perform dropdown menu.

To continue with no changes, click the Continue for Spring (No Change) option.

The Waiver Requests popup window is displayed. Most of the fields are grayed out and uneditable.
Click the Submit Request button or the [X] Close button.

To make edits, click the Continue for Spring with Edits option.

The Waiver Request popup window is displayed.
Project ID, Assistantship Type, Sponsored Project percentage, Residency, and Chartstring fields are editable.
If NO is selected under, "Will this graduate assistant's mandatory student health insurance subsidy be charged to the same chartstring as their salary?", the usual chartstring input fields will be displayed to make changes before Submit Request.

Enter the appropriate information in the Chartstring fields.
Click the Submit Request button.

To search for waivers with attributes that continue across semesters (DPAS and GSAS), click the All Attributes dropdown menu.

Click the appropriate option.
Example shown here: DPAS option

Click the Search button.
Note: Department has been changed to Chemistry for this search.

Click the Select Action to Perform dropdown menu.

For continuation without changes,
click the Continue for Spring (No Change) option.

The Waiver Request Research Percentages popup is displayed.
To submit, click the Save button, or [X] Close button to return.

To make edits to the existing waiver, click the Continue for Spring with Edits option.

The Waiver Request Research Percentages popup is displayed.
Update the Term, Research % or Project ID as needed.
To submit, click the Save button, or the [X] Close button to return.

To end a Waiver Request, click the Remove After This Term option.

The Waiver Requests popup is displayed.
The I would like to option is set to Remove.
To submit, click the Submit Request button, or click the [X] Close button to return.
Additional Resources:
At this time, no additional resources are available for this topic.