In this article you will run a query to locate and view Budget Balances. You will also learn to download the file to an Excel Spreadsheet.
In this article, you will run a query to view Budget Balances.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the Employee Self Service dropdown button to activate the menu.
Click the UGA Financials link.
Click the Query Viewer tile.
The Query Viewer Search page is displayed.
Click the Advanced Search link.
For this query, you will search by Query Name.
In the Query Name field, click the drop-down arrow to choose an operator value.
Click the contains list item.
The Query Viewer page opens so that you can search for the query you need.
Note : If you have already added it to your My Favorite Queries list, you can run the query from there without searching.
In the Query Name field, enter "UGA%Budget".
Click the Search button.
The Query is shown in the list. If necessary, scroll down the page to find the BUDGET Query.
Once you have located the BUDGET BALANCE query, click the HTML option to see the report online.
The Query Parameters page is displayed. This page is used to enter the reporting parameters you wish to use to search for your query.
In this example, you will use the Dept field to search for your query.
To clear the field, press [Delete] to continue.
Enter appropriate information into the Dept field.
The number you enter into the Dept field will determine the number of results being returned. Example shown here: You will search for all departments that start with 32.
" 32% " in the Dept field.
Click the View Results button.
The Query Results are displayed.
You can also use hyperlinks on the page to download the data to an Excel Spreadsheet.
Click the Excel Spreadsheet link.
You may receive a message at the bottom of the page asking you if you want to open or save the query.
Click the Open button.
Click the Allow button.
The Excel spreadsheet opens in a new window.
You can save the file to your desktop or close the file to return to the Query Viewer page.