Running the TL & ABS Enrolled Employee Query


This article will walk you through the steps to run a query (180_TL_ABS_Enrolled Query) for distributed users to view current time and labor settings for their employees. More information on the columns in this query can be found here: Understanding 180_ABS_Enrolled Query.

In this article, you will run a query to allow distributed users to view how their employees are enrolled in Maintain Time Reporter, as well as other current Time and Absence settings for their employees. Additional information on requesting a change to an employee's Time Reporter setup can be found here

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect

The Manager Self Service page is displayed. Scroll down and click the System Manager Reporting tile.

2. Step 2

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The System Manager Reporting page is displayed. Under the Queries menu, click the Time and Labor drop-down list to view the available queries.

3. Step 3

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The search criteria for the specific query is displayed. You can search by Empl ID, HR Department, or Time Approver ID.

Note: You can enter a "%" to do a wildcard search, which will display all possible results. You can also use the lookup magnifying glass to locate the appropriate value.

Click the TL & ABS Enrolled Employees option.

4. Step 4

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The search criteria for the specific query is displayed. You can search by Empl ID, HR Department, or Time Approver ID.

Note: You can enter a "%" to do a wildcard search, which will display all possible results. You can also use the lookup magnifying glass to locate the appropriate value.

Click the View Results button.

5. Step 5

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The Results are displayed.

Click the Excel SpreadSheet link to open the results in an Excel file.

6. Step 6

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Follow your system prompts to Save and Open the .xlsx file.

7. Step 7

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The Excel file is displayed.

This page displays the Employee ID, Name, Enrollment Date, Pay Group, Job Code, and HR Department of the employee among other information. You can filter through the columns to view the information that you want.

8. Step 8

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Scroll to the right to view the additional columns.

The Workgroup column will help determine if your employee earns Overtime or Comp Time.

Workgroups beginning with “18” are Biweekly Employees.

Benefitted Biweekly employees will be either 18HRROVT or 18HRRCMP. Non-benefitted Biweekly employees will be 18HRTOVT:

18HRROVT – Overtime

18HRRCMP – Comp Time

18HRR – The second “R” stands for “Regular”

All non-benefitted employees earn Overtime.

18HRT – The “T” stands for “Temporary.

9. Step 9

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The TCD Group column will be populated if the employee uses the Biometric Clock.

10. Step 10

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Scroll to the right to view additional columns.

The Badge Number column shows the employee's UGA ID.

The Web Clock column will be populated if the employee uses the PeopleSoft Web Clock.

11. Step 11

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Continue scrolling to the right to view employees' Reports To and T&A Approver information.

Additional Information:

Useful information included in the query includes Pay Group, Job Code, HR Department, TL Reporter Type, whether an employee usese the Web Clock and Elapsed or Punch time. You can also view an employee's Reports To and Time Approver information.

Useful columns to review or compare:

  • To determine the time entry method, look at:
    • Pay from Schedule = 18E_PFS in the Elapsed column
    • Web Clock = Web Clock column populated
    • Biometric Clock user = TCD Group column populated (need to also have a Badge Number populated)
  • Lunch Deduction column will only show a result if the individual is specifically set up with this option
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