Enrolling/Updating a Time Reporter


All employees are automatically enrolled in Time & Labor in OneUSG Connect when they are hired. An employee's Time Reporter enrollment is based on their pay group and determines how the employee enters time, as well as whether the employee earns overtime or comp time.

Setting up a new Time Reporter

Once an employee is hired and an employee record is created in OneUSG Connect, it is the responsibility of the hiring unit/distributed unit to make sure the employee is enrolled correctly as a Time Reporter. 

In the OneUSG Connect System Manager WorkCenter (System Manager Reporting > Time and Labor > TL & ABS Enrolled Employees) Run the 180_TL_ABS_Enrolled query to verify if the Time Reporter enrollment is accurate.

Several changes to an employee's status will "trigger" the need for an update to Time Reporter setup, including:

  • New hire/rehire
  • Extended leave event
  • Short work break
  • Termination
  • Transfer
  • Position Data Change (e.g. Reports To, Standard Hours, percent time, regular to temp)

System Managers (Initiators) should follow these steps to enroll or update a Time Reporter (employee) in OneUSG Connect:

  • Send an email to OneUSG Support via payroll@uga.edu with the subject line: "Time Reporter Update"
  • Please include the following information in the email:
    • Employee ID
    • Employee's full name
    • What needs to change
      • Time Entry Method (BiometricClock, Web Clock, Pay from Schedule, Manual)
      • Overtime or Comp Time
      • Auto-Meal Deduction (30 minute, 60 minute, or none)
      • 14 Hour Special Accrual (Y or N)
  • The email generates a TeamDynamix ticket for the Payroll team.
  • Payroll then updates the employee's Time Reporter setup in OneUSG Connect and resolves the ticket.
  • The Department HR Practitioner will receive a notification from TeamDynamix that the Time Reporter setup has been updated in OneUSG Connect, and the time reporting rules will be applied to the employee's time entries moving forward, effective the first day of the pay period.

Associated SOPs

SOP_TL_002 Enroll/Update Time Reporter

SOP_WFA_014 Updating Reports To Data in OneUSG Connect

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