Submitting an Overpayment Request


The UGA Overpayment Process:

If it is determined that an employee should not be paid at all after the payroll has been confirmed (per payroll calendars) and the overpayment is discovered before the pay date, the department should complete an Off-Cycle Payment Request to reverse payment.

Click these links to access the Off-Cycle Payment Request form and the Payroll Calendar.

In this article, you will learn the steps to submit an Overpayment Request Form.

The form can be accessed HERE or via the UGA Payroll website (under Payroll Forms).

1. Step 1

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First access the UGA Overpayment Form

On the Overpayment Request page, read the UGA Overpayment Process information prior to starting your request.

Example Shown Here:  No

2. Step 2

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With the No option selected, a set of Job Data Instructions are displayed.

Note that you must complete the job data updates prior to submitting this request form.

Click the Yes option.

3. Step 3

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Select the appropriate BiWeekly Pay option.
Example shown here:  No

4. Step 4

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If the employee is NOT paid biweekly,

enter the appropriate Employee Information.  

Since this example uses the BiWeekly pay option,  Click Yes BiWeekly Pay option.

5. Step 5

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A notice is displayed if the employee is biweekly and the overpayment is less than 28 days, follow the directions indicated for correcting the overpayment.

Click the No option.

6. Step 6

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Enter the Employee Information including Employee Name, Employee Pay Group, Employee ID, Employee Record, and Employee Position #.

7. Step 7

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In the Overpayment Information section, select the appropriate information for the Employee's pay frequency and the time since the Overpayment occurred.

Example shown here: Biweekly (less than 28 days after overpayment)

8. Step 8

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If you indicated the employee is biweekly and less than 28 days, a message is displayed containing the appropriate actions to correct the overpayment.

Example shown here: Biweekly (more than 28 days after overpayment) option.

9. Step 9

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Continue filling out the Overpayment Details section by entering the appropriate information in the Gross Overpayment Amount, Total # of Hours overpaid, Overpayment Begin and End date fields.

10. Step 10

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Enter the appropriate Repayment Information in the Employee Status, contact email for this individual, and Explore other payment options fields. 

11. Step 11

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In the Requestor information, enter Your Name, Email, Phone#, and the Employee's Supervisor Email.

12. Step 12

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Enter the appropriate Combo Code information including number of combo codes, Combo Code, and Split %.
Include any additional comments or instructions in the Combo Code Comments (Optional).

13. Step 13

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Choose the appropriate Reason for Overpayment option.  

Example shown here: checkbox selected for Incorrect hours entered.

14. Step 14

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To attach supporting documents, click the Browse files link or Drag and drop files then follow the displayed prompts.

15. Step 15

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To receive a copy of your responses, check the Send me a copy of my responses and enter appropriate information in the Email Address  field.

16. Step 16

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Click the Submit button.

17. Step 17

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A message displays confirming your Overpayment Request was created successfully.

Additional Information:

  1. If the payment has already been made:
    • Dept. should complete Overpayment Request by following the instructions in this tutorial.
    • Once the Overpayment Request has been submitted, a ticket will be created and assigned to Payroll. If leave or hours need to be corrected the Payroll team will forward to:
      • Absence Mgmt – decreases in leave paid (this form will only be utilized if a substantial number of leave hours were paid in error);
      • Time & Labor – decreases in hours paid (this form will only be utilized if the adjustment goes back more than 28 days, otherwise department can correct hours and overpayment will be added to next payment automatically).
    • After approval from one of the areas above, the ticket is assigned back to Central Payroll and then processed.

Overpayment Calculation:

  1. If the employee is terminated or inactive:
    • Payroll will review the Overpayment Worksheet and manually calculate repayment due from employee.
    • Payroll will respond back to department with amount due from employee (see instructions below).
  2. If the employee is active and can repay in one payment:
    • Biweekly and monthly corrections made above will trigger retro adjustments (rate) and prior period adjustments (hours) on the next on-cycle payroll
  3. If the employee is active and has to repay in multiple payments:
    • Monthly - Payroll will set up negative Additional Pay on multiple checks.
    • Biweekly - If prior period adjustments result in a negative check, Payroll will set up negative Additional Pay on future checks.

Responsibility of department seeking repayment: Send an email with a read receipt or send a certified letter to the employee informing them of overpayment. If the employee does not respond to the initial email or letter within 15 days, then a 2nd email with a read receipt or a certified letter should be sent to the employee. If the employee does not respond within another 15 days, then a certified letter should be mailed to the employee. If the employee does not respond within 30 days from the last letter, Payroll will turn the debt over to Accounts Receivable unless an alternate solution has been worked out between the department and Payroll.

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