Submitting an Expense Report Prepared by a Delegate


This article will walk you through the steps to submit an expense report created by a delegated user on behalf of an employee.


In this article, you will learn the steps to submit an expense report prepared by a delegate.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System

On the Employee Self Service page, click the Expenses tile.

2. Step 2

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Click the My Expense Reports tile.

3. Step 3

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The My Expense Reports page is displayed.

Note : Clicking on the Not Submitted menu will be the course of action for travelers that have delegated creation and modification functionality. However, for those travelers who have not, they will likely create their expense report and submit it as the last step in the process.

To submit a previously created expense report, click the appropriate report.

Example shown here: report titled  Research Collaboration.

4. Step 4

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The Expense Report page is displayed. Click the Update Details button.

5. Step 5

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The Expense Report page is displayed. You can review each Expense lines by clicking on the menu items.

Once you have reviewed the expense types, click the Review and Submit button.

6. Step 6

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The Expense Summary page summarizes the number of expenses and the amount due to the employee.

Note: Under Additional Information, you can see if there are other travel authorizations associated with this expense report.

Click the Travel Authorization button.

7. Step 7

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Note : You can view and associate Travel  Authorizations to this Expense Report.

Click the Close button.

8. Step 8

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Click the View Analytics button.

9. Step 9

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The View Analytics page allows users to see data by Date/Type, by Department, and by Project/Activity.

Once you have reviewed the data, click the Close button.

10. Step 10

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Once you are done reviewing Additional Information on the Expense Report, click the Submit button.

Note : The Submit button will not work for a delegated user. The employee whose expenses are being submitted must login and submit the report.

11. Step 11

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A dialog box confirms your decision to submit the Expense Report. 

Click the Submit button to complete the submission.

12. Step 12

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The selected Expense Report has been submitted for approval.

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