Exploring Expense Types: Mileage


UGA mileage reimbursement rates are determined by the State Accounting Office of Georgia. Current rates are $0.655 per mile for travel on or after January 1, 2023 when a state vehicle is unavailable for use and a personal vehicle must be used. Employees using a personal vehicle instead of an available state vehicle are reimbursed at a lower rate.

Employees are reimbursed for mileage incurred from the point of departure to/from the travel destination:

  • If an employee departs from or returns to headquarters, mileage is calculated from headquarters to the destination point (and vice versa).

  • If an employee departs from his/her residence, mileage is calculated from the residence to the destination point, with a reduction for normal one-way commuting miles from his/her residence to headquarters.

  • If an employee returns to his/her residence, mileage is calculated based on the distance to the residence, with a reduction for normal one-way commuting miles.



In this article, you will learn how to use the Mileage expense types when entering an expense report in the UGA Financial Management System.

Note: Please see UGA Employee Travel policy for more information about choosing the appropriate mileage rate.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.

Starting from the Expense Entry page within your expense report, click the calendar icon within the Date field.

2. Step 2

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A calendar is displayed.

Select the date on which the expense was incurred.

Example shown here: April 1, 2024.

3. Step 3

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To search through the available expense types, click the lookup magnifying glass in the Expense Type field.

4. Step 4

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The Expense Type Search pop-up box is displayed. Select the appropriate Mileage expense type.

D-Mileage Reduced Rate is used if a state vehicle is available and is the best option, but you use a personal car instead. You are reimbursed for business miles traveled at $0.22 per mile.

D-Mileage Standard is used when a state vehicle is unavailable. You will be reimbursed for business miles traveled at $0.655 per mile for travel after January 1, 2023.

Example shown here: D-Mileage Standard expense type.

5. Step 5

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A brief description allows you to describe the nature of the expense to the approver who will review the expense report.

Enter appropriate information into the Description field.

Example shown here: "Mileage to Marine Ext Brunswick".

6. Step 6

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You must enter an originating location. "Home" is an option. For other cities, enter STATE (add US for Georgia), City.

Note: If your location does not appear, choose STATE, Standard Rate.

Click the lookup magnifying glass in the Originating Location field.

7. Step 7

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The Originating Location drop-down list displays.

Click the appropriate Orignating Location link.

Example shown here: HOME link.

8. Step 8

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Click the Mileage Calculation link.

9. Step 9

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The Mileage Calcuation pop-up box is displayed. Mileage must be entered in whole numbers.

Enter the total miles traveled into the Total Miles Traveled field.

Example shown here: "292". 

10. Step 10

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UGA and State of Georgia policy require that daily commute mileage be subtracted from the total mileage when leaving from home. For a one way trip, only one-way commute mileage must be subtracted. For a round trip, leaving and returning home, a round trip commute must be subtracted.

Enter appropriate commute mileage into the Commute/Personal Miles field.

Example shown here: "18".

11. Step 11

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Click the Done button.

12. Step 12

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For expense reports involving multiple days of travel, the mileage expense can be copied.

To copy the expense, click the More... button.

13. Step 13

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More expense entry options are displayed. 

Click the checkbox to select an expense to copy.

14. Step 14

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Click the Copy button.

15. Step 15

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The Copy Expense pop-up box is displayed. You will enter the date the subsequent expense occurred. 

Click the Date From Calendar.

16. Step 16

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The calendar is displayed.

Select the date on which the expense was incurred.

Example shown here: April 2, 2024.

17. Step 17

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Click the Done button.

18. Step 18

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The selected mileage expense is copied onto the expense report. You can edit the total and commute mileage if needed.  

Example shown here: the mileage is the same as in an overnight trip with departure and return mileage.

Note: Check local operating procedures for documentation requirements.

19. Step 19

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Click the Save button.

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