If you previously saved some expense entries in your Wallet, you can save time and avoid duplicating work by importing those expenses from My Wallet during the creation of the expense report.
In this article, you will learn the steps to import expenses from My Wallet during the creation of an expense report in the UGA Financial Management System.
On the Employee Self-Service Homepage, click the Expenses tile.
The Expenses page is displayed.
Click the Create Expense Report tile.
Users can choose from In-State Travel, Out-of-State Travel, Group Travel Paid by Employee or Non-Travel Reimbursement.
Click the *Business Purpose drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate option from the list.
Example shown here: Click the In-State Travel option from the drop-down menu.
Enter the appropriate information in the Description field.
Example shown here: Enter "Conference".
Enter the appropriate location information starting with state or country into the Travel To field.
Example shown here: Enter "Georgia US" into the Travel To field.
Matching results appear beneath the entered criteria.
Select the appropriate Location.
Example shown here: Click the GEORGIA US, Cobb - Marietta Expense Location.
The Reference field is optional and provides additional information on the expense purpose.
Enter the appropriate information into the Reference field.
Example shown here: Enter "meeting" into the Reference field.
To create the appropriate expense details, click the Expense Report Action drop-down menu.
To use saved transaction lines, click the Add from My Wallet option.
The My Wallet pop-up window is displayed. From this window, choose the expenses to be imported into the report.
Example shown here: Click the D-Lodging Expense.
Click the Import button.
Click the Update Details button.
The Expense Entry page is displayed. Use the details shown to review the expense line for the correct information prior to submission.
Click the Review and Submit button.
All travel-related expenses need to be associated with an approved Travel Authorization.
Click the Travel Authorization button.
The Travel Authorization pop-up window is displayed along with authorizations from the past 6 months.
Locate the appropriate Authorization ID, and click the Associate button.
Example shown here: Click the Associate button for Authorization ID 0100040246.
Click the Submit button.
The Submission Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
Note: By submitting an Expense Report, you are stating the expense is related to UGA business and accepting responsibility for the information.
Review the submission confirmation and click the Submit button.