Copying an Existing Expense Report to Create a New Expense Report


If you find yourself frequently traveling to the same location, the UGA Financial Management System provides you with a method to copy an existing expense report. You can copy an expense report and update the dates, location, or other information you may need to edit to help avoid having to create the same/similar expense reports from scratch.

Note: If an expense report is denied and copied, the system will note that the Ticket Number for the flight has already been used and it will not let you proceed as-is - it is still associated with the denied report. In this scenario, the traveler can use the same ticket number with a letter A at the end so it reads as a different ticket.  For example, ticket number 12345 becomes ticket 12345A.

This article will show you how to copy an existing expense report and copy the information within it to a new expense report.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.

Click the Expenses tile.

2. Step 2

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Click the My Expense Reports tile.


3. Step 3

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To reveal more operations to perform, click the Related Actions button next to the appropriate expense report.

Example shown here: the Related Actions button next to the test billing type change expense report.

4. Step 4

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Click the Copy To New Report menu item.

5. Step 5

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A message will appear along the top of the page, confirming the creation of a new expense report and expense report ID . Review the information to make sure it matches the original expense report. If the ChartField distribution should be updated for the new report, you should click the Accounting Defaults box to update it.

6. Step 6

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After reviewing the information, click the Update Details button.

7. Step 7

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The Expense Entry page is displayed. From this page, you can view the copied expense lines. Dates, amounts, and expense types should be updated if applicable.

8. Step 8

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To review the Accounting Tag information, click the Accounting button.

9. Step 9

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The Expense Report Distributions page is displayed. Within the Accounting Details section, the ChartField information is displayed. Review the information to make sure it matches the original expense report.

10. Step 10

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Please take note the information displayed on this page is inherited from the source expense report. Selecting an Accounting Tag on the General Information page will not change the accounting on this page.

11. Step 11

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After review, click the Done button.

12. Step 12

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Click the Review and Submit button.

13. Step 13

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If there are any Notes listed within the Additional Information section, take the time to review the Notes menu item and confirm that the notes match the original expense report.

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