Finding a Combo Code in OneUSG Connect


Combination codes (combo codes) are set up and maintained by Central Commitment Accounting. These are shortcuts to a financial chartstring and are used in Commitment Accounting to fund a position. They are created in the UGA Financial Management System and are transferred to OneUSG Connect.

You can use a query (180_CA_COMBO_CODES_PROMPT) on the System Manager Reporting Page to locate combo codes by Financials Department ID, GL Combo Code, and/or Project ID.

Combo codes are easily identifiable. The standard combo codes contain 14 characters. You can use the following formula to help find your combo codes in searches.

  • The first two characters are 18. This identifies the combination code as UGA.
  • The next eight characters are the eight-digit Finance funding department number.
  • The last four characters are a sequential number applied by the system.

In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query to view existing combo codes.


1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect.

From the Manager Self Service page, click the System Manager Reporting tile.

2. Step 2

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The System Manager Reporting page is displayed.

From the menu on the left, click the Commitment Accounting menu item.

3. Step 3

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A list of available Commitment Accounting queries is displayed.

Click the Combo Codes link.

4. Step 4

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You can enter information into the search fields to refine your results by Financial Department ID, GL Combo Code, and/or Project ID. For a list of all combo codes, leave the % sign in each field.

Click the View Results button.

5. Step 5

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The query results are displayed. You can use the scrollbars to view the information in the available rows and columns.

6. Step 6

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To export the query results to an Excel document, click the Excel SpreadSheet link.

7. Step 7

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When prompted to open or save the file, click the Open button.

8. Step 8

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The Excel file is displayed. You can filter through the data to view the information that you want.

9. Step 9

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Additional columns are displayed.

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