This article explains the steps to review and take appropriate action on an Expense Report as a SPA Approver.
This article will walk you, as a SPA Approver, through the steps to review and take appropriate action on an Expense Report.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
Click the Approvals tile.
Note: The number in the bottom right corner of the tile indicates the number of documents awaiting your approval.
The Pending Approvals page is displayed. From this page, you can review and take actions on submitted documents.
To filter the documents to only display expense reports, click the Expense Report menu option.
The list is filtered to only display expense reports.
To review an expense report, click the appropriate Expense Report .
Example shown here: Expense Report labeled "R-Math Conference".
The selected Expense Report summary page is displayed.
You will only see the lines where the expense is international based and the accounting information shows a Project Code.
To review the expense line details, click the appropriate expense line.
Note: As an approver for the Sponsored Projects Administration, it is your responsibility to determine if the INTERNATIONAL travel is appropriate for use of project funds.
Example shown here: I-Lodging expense line.
The Approval Line Detail page is displayed. From this page, you can review the reported information, accounting details, and attached receipts (if applicable).
To review attached receipts, click the View Attachments link.
The View Attachments window is displayed. Select the appropriate expense link.
Example shown here: the BerlinHotel1.pdf link.
A new tab is displayed showing the selected attachment. Review the details of the attachment.
To return to the Expense Line Details page, click the Close Tab button.
To close the window, click the Close button.
To review the accounting details, click the View Accounting link.
The Accounting window is displayed showing the ChartField combination for the selected expense report. Review the project information to ensure accuracy and appropriateness.
Click the Close button.
To return to the Expense Reports details page, click the Back to Header link.
Example shown here: click the I-Miscellaneous 38.28 expense line.
Review the attached receipt(s) by clicking on the link(s).
Example shown here: Taxi06_24.pdf link.
Click the Close button to close the browser.
You can select individual expense lines to approve by clicking the checkbox in the appropriate expense line.
Click the appropriate expense type checkbox.
Example shown here: I-Lodging checkbox.
Alternatively, you can quickly mark all the expense lines by clicking the Select All checkbox.
SPA Approvers have four functions available to them: Approve, Deny, Hold, and Sendback. We will go through each function to show the differences. On this page you can see the Approve, Deny and More options.
Click the More button to see additional approver options.
The Sendback and Hold options are displayed.
If you need to follow up with the initiator regarding details and wish to halt the document's progress, you can put the request on hold by clicking the Hold button.
If you decide to return the document to the initiator for edits, you would click the Sendback button.
Note: Sendback allows the employee to edit and resubmit.
Click the Sendback button.
It is required to enter comments for any action other than APPROVE. Comments should tell the employee why the document is not being approved.
Note: A window similar to this, asking for comments, will appear no matter what action you decide to take.
Click the Cancel button to return.
When you deny an expense report or expense line(s), you send it back to the traveler. If all the lines in the expense report are denied, the employee must create and submit a new expense report.
To leave a comment regarding the approval of the document, enter appropriate information into the Approver Comments field.
Example shown here: " Approved ".
Click the Submit button.
The Pending Approvals page is displayed once again. A green bar will appear across the top of the page, notifying you the report was successfully approved.
The initiator is notified via email of the approval. The document moves on to the final level of approval.