When creating an expense report, expense types must be entered in order to submit the report for reimbursement. This tutorial will walk you through how to use the new Ground Transportation expense type to enter an aiport shuttle expense on the expense report.
Use the Ground Tranportation expense type for shuttle services (e.g. Groome Transportation), trains, taxis, etc. Rental car expenses use their own expense type (Rental Car).
Upon submission, the expense types are converted to account codes. If you have an expense report pushed back to you from an approver asking for you to correct the account code, they expect you to change the expense type of the lines. You may have mixed Domestic and International expense types or you may have not chosen the most accurate expense type for that line.
Tutorial Resources
Quick Start for Travel
Travel Related Expense Types
Adding Receipts from Phones (Video)
In this article, you will learn how to use the ground transportation expense type in the UGA Financial Management System.
This expense type includes airport shuttles, taxis, and other ground transportation services. Rental car expenses should use the Rental Car expense type instead.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
Starting from the Expense Entry page within your expense report, click the calendar icon within the Date field.
A calendar is displayed.
Select the date on which the expense was incurred.
Example shown here: June 3, 2024 .
To search through the available expense types, click the lookup magnifying glass within the Expense Type field.
If you are incurring any expenses from services like Groome, Uber, MARTA, taxis, etc., you would enter these as ground transportation expenses.
Click the D-Ground Transportation expense type.
Enter a brief description of the transportation expense into the Description field.
Enter the total transportation charge into the Amount field.
Example shown here: "14.75".
To attach your receipt from the transportation company, click the Attach Receipt button.
The Attachments pop-up window is displayed.
From this page, you will be able to add new attachments and manage existing attachments.
Click the Add Attachment button.
Click the My Device button.
You will be directed to select a file from your computer.
Select the appropriate file to attach.
After selecting the appropriate file, click the Upload button.
You have the option to provide a brief note about the attachment into the Attachment Note field.
Example shown here: "Ride Receipt".
Click the Done button.