The responsibility of an Expense Approver in reviewing an expense report is to verify policy compliance and the transaction funding source. If changes are needed, the expense report must be sent back to the initiator for edits. The Sendback function should be your primary tool when a pending Expense Report has errors that requires correction, additional information or documentation. The sendback function allows the employee to re-submit the expense report back into workflow for processing after any necessary corrections have been made.
In this article, we will discuss utilizing the Sendback function when reviewing an Expense Report for an employee within UGA Financials.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
From the UGA Financials homepage, click the Approvals tile.
Note: To navigate here, use the dropdown menu at the top of the screen and select UGA Financials.
The Pending Approvals page is displayed.
To filter by type, click the Expense Report link.
Expense Reports awaiting your approval are displayed.
Click the appropriate Expense Report link.
Example shown here: Robert Pop - 01000261464 / MIS: AOM CNF/STATE link.
The selected Expense Report is displayed.
Review the Expense Lines included in the report for correct information.
To review an expense line, click appropriate Expense Line link.
Example shown here: 08/08/2023 D-Meals Out of State Deprt/Rtn link.
Additional justification details are contained on each line.
Click the appropriate link to review.
Example shown here: View PerDiem Deductions link.
A popup window is displayed with the details of the justification.
Click the Close (Esc) button.
To return, click in the Back to Header link
To use the Send Back function, you will select the line(s) that require edits by the submitter.
Click the appropriate Checkbox to select.
Example shown here: checkbox to the left of 3/24/22 D-Meals...
The Deny option terminates the expense line(s), marking them as a non-reimbursable expense. This will not allow the employee to make updates and resubmit.
Note: Use of the Deny option should be limited to instances where t he employee is not eligible for reimbursement for the expense.
The Sendback function should be used any time there is a correction
To access the Sendback function, click the More button.
The Sendback button should be used any time that you are seeking additional action by the employee such as corrections, additional documentation, etc.
This function allows the employee to re-submit the Expense Request into workflow once updates are made.
Click the Sendback button.
Enter information that will help the employee with the correct edits in the Approver Comments box.
Click the Submit button.
A notice is displayed stating "You have sent back the request." Now the employee will be able to make the appropriate edits.
Additional Information:
When reviewing an expense report, an Expense Manager should ensure:
Completeness - required fields are filled out, supporting documentation and proof of payment is attached where appropriate and is legible
Prior approvals were applied correctly
Travel and Expense policy compliance
Submitted expenses are allowable
Deadlines are observed
Chartstrings and the Chartfield combination are correct for each transaction
Expenses adhere to budget constraints
Expense Managers should Send Back transactions that require corrections or additional information.
Note: Use of the “Deny” option should be limited to instances where the employee is not eligible for reimbursement for the expense, as this functionality will terminate those expense lines marking them in the Financial Management System as a non-reimbursable expense.
Additional reviewer guidance can be found at the resources below.
Tutorial Resources:
Quick Start for Approvers
Travel and Expense Approval Basic Workflow: Roles and Responsibilities
Approval Action Matrix
Finance Review and Analysis Guide
Transaction Signs Quick Reference Guide
Deny vs Send Back
Temporary Approvers Quick Start