Exploring Expense Types: Air Travel


Domestic and international Air Travel expenses can be reimbursed prior to the actual travel date. You can complete an expense report for your airfare when purchased in advance in order to get the best pricing.

It is state policy that state officials or employees traveling by commercial air carrier travel in the most cost-effective manner and utilize the lowest possible coach fares. Reimbursement of first class is prohibited.

The Fly American Act requires international flights to be US carriers when traveling on federal funds. You can choose an international carrier if code sharing is present with a US carrier and the rate is better than any current US carrier rate. Code sharing is present when two or more airlines "code" the same flight as if it was their own.

Travelers will be required to provide airline ticket numbers on expense reports. If a ticket number is not provided, a confirmation number is also acceptable.

In this article, you will learn how to use the Air Travel expense types when entering an Expense Report in the UGA Financial Management System.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial Management System. 

Starting from the Expense Entry page within your expense report, click the Calendar icon within the Date field.

2. Step 2

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A calendar is displayed.

Select the date on which the expense was incurred.

Example shown here: April 2, 2024.

3. Step 3

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To search through the available expense types, click the lookup magnifying glass within the Expense Type field.

4. Step 4

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The Expense Type Search pop-up box is displayed.

When recording air travel expenses, you need to consider the travel destination:

If the location is domestic, you will select the D-Air Travel expense type from the Employee Domestic Travel section.

If the location is international, you will select the I-Air Travel expense type from the Employee International Travel section.

Example shown here: D-Air Travel expense type.

5. Step 5

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A Description allows you to describe the nature of the expense to the approver who will review the expense report.

Enter appropriate information into the Description field.

Example shown here: "Ticket purchased with my own money".

6. Step 6

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Enter the total airline ticket charge into the Amount field.

Example shown here: "325.67".

7. Step 7

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A ticket or confirmation number is required for Air Travel reimbursement.

Enter the corresponding information into the Ticket # field.   

Example shown here: "1234567899".

8. Step 8

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Proper documentation is required on all Expense Reports. You must attach the receipt in order to justify the reimbursement being requested.

Click the Attach Receipt button.

9. Step 9

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The Attachment pop-up window is displayed.

Click the Add Attachment button.

10. Step 10

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The File Attachment pop-up box is displayed.

Click the My Device button.

11. Step 11

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The Choose File to Upload pop-up box is displayed.

Navigate as needed and select the file.  

Example shown here: Airline Receipt link.

12. Step 12

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Click the Open button. 

13. Step 13

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Click the Upload button. 

14. Step 14

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Click the Done button. 

15. Step 15

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The file is displayed in the Attachments pop-up box.

Enter a description into the field below the file name.

Example shown here: " Airline Receipt ".

16. Step 16

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Click the Done button. 

17. Step 17

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A confirmation appears indicating that the attachments have been saved. The number of attached files also displays on the Attach Receipt button.

18. Step 18

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Click the Save button. 

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