Creating a Non-Travel Expense Report


If you wish to receive reimbursement for any non-travel expenses, you will need to create and submit an expense report. This article walks you through the steps to create an expense report for non-travel related expenses.


Tutorial Resources

Non-Travel Expense Reports Quick Start

In this article, you will learn the steps to create Expense Reports for non-travel related expense items in the UGA Financial Management System.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial System.

On the UGA Financials Homepage, click the Expenses tile.

2. Step 2

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The Expenses page is displayed.

Click the Create Expense Report tile.

3. Step 3

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Users can choose from In-State Travel, Out-of-State Travel, Group Travel Paid by Employee or Non-Travel Reimbursement.

Click the Business Purpose drop-down list.

4. Step 4

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Select the Non Travel Reimbursement option.

5. Step 5

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In the *Description field, you can enter a description for the expense reimbursement. Examples include things like conference presentation, studies abroad, etc. for travel related reimbursements. A description for a non-travel reimbursement may include something like Ziploc bags used in research lab.

Example shown here: "Lab Supplies" in the Description field.

6. Step 6

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Enter the appropriate information into the Accounting Tag field. 

Example shown here: "10ACH" into the Accounting Tag field.

7. Step 7

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Click the appropriate link.

Example shown here: Applicant  link.

8. Step 8

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Note: In the Accounting Defaults field, you can view the ChartField distribution details if you previously keyed in an Accounting Tag. If an Accounting Tag was not used, the ChartField distribution for the funding source should be entered here.

Click the Accounting Defaults button.

9. Step 9

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Enter the appropriate year into the Bud Ref  field.  

Example shown here: "2024" in the Bud Ref field.

10. Step 10

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Click the Done button.

11. Step 11

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Click the Expense Report Action drop-down menu.

12. Step 12

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Choose the appropriate expense report from the drop-down menu.  

Click the Add Expenses option.

13. Step 13

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To view available expense types, click the lookup magnifying glass in the *Expense Type field.

14. Step 14

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Click the Collapse All link.

15. Step 15

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Choose the appropriate expense category from the expanded list.    

Example shown here: Supplies and Other option.

16. Step 16

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Choose the appropriate expense item from the expanded list.

Example shown here: O-Instructional/Lab Supplies option.

17. Step 17

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Enter appropriate information into the *Description field.

Example shown here: "Lab Supplies for the Spectroscopy Lab" into the *Description  field.

18. Step 18

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Enter the appropriate information into the *Amount  field. 

Example shown here: "267.00" into the *Amount field.

19. Step 19

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Click the Attach Receipt (Required) link.

20. Step 20

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Click the Add Attachment button.

21. Step 21

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To browse your device for the attachment, click the My Device button.

22. Step 22

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A system dialog box is displayed along with available files.

Select the appropriate file to attach.

Example shown here: Screenshot 2024-02-28 item.

23. Step 23

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Click the Open button.

24. Step 24

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Click the Upload button.

25. Step 25

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Click the Done button.

26. Step 26

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If necessary, enter an appropriate description for the attachment in the Description field.

Example shown here: "Lab supplies receipt" into the Enter Description field.

27. Step 27

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Click the Done button.

28. Step 28

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Click the Save button.

29. Step 29

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Once all information has been entered, click the Review and Submit button.

30. Step 30

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The Expense Summary page is displayed.

Click the Submit button.

31. Step 31

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The Submission Confirmation dialog box is displayed. 

Note: By submitting an Expense Report, you are stating the expense is related to UGA business and accepting responsibility for the information.

Click the Submit button.

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Article ID: 149582
Sat 9/24/22 11:18 PM
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