When an approver sends back an expense report to you to edit, you can make the requested edits and resubmit.
Note: A denied expense report cannot be edited.
In this article, you will walk through the steps to edit and resubmit an expense report that has been sent back for minor revisions.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
On the UGA Financial Management System Employee Self Service homepage, click the Expenses tile.
Click the My Expense Reports tile.
The My Expense Reports page is displayed.
To filter your Expense Reports to only display expense reports that have been returned, click the Returned menu link.
The list is filtered to only show returned Expense Reports. To view the details and make edits, click the appropriate Expense Report.
Example shown here: the Expense Report for conference-related travel.
The Summary page of the selected expense report is displayed.
Within the Approval Status section, you can see the approval history of the document as well as the approver comments as to why the expense report was sent back.
To review and/or edit the header information, click the General Information button.
The General Information page is displayed. Here you can edit the header information on the expense report.
For this example, you can see that we listed the wrong business purpose. Our travel was to Los Angeles, but we listed it as In-State Travel. To change this field, click the Business Purpose list.
Click the Out-of-State Travel option.
If your Expense Manager noticed an error in your documented ChartFields, click the Accounting Defaults button.
Note: Editing the information at the header level will unfortunately not change the accounting information for expense lines already on the report. You will need to change those lines individually.
The Expense Report Defaults window is displayed. From here, you can make any necessary changes to the chartstring.
When your edits are complete, click the Done button.
To review and/or edit the expense lines, click the Update Details button.
The Expense Entry page is displayed.
Click on an expense line on the left side of the page to make edits to that line's details.
You can edit the amount of that expense line by entering appropriate information into the Amount field.
For this example, we are changing the wrong amount of $140 to match the receipt amount of $160. Clear the Amount field and then enter 160 .
If you need to attach a required receipt or delete an existing receipt to replace it with the correct receipt, click the Attach Receipt (Required) button.
The Attachments window is displayed. To delete an attachment, click the Edit button.
For this example, the expense line is for a car rental, but the receipt is for air travel. The wrong receipt was attached and needs to be replaced.
Select the appropriate receipt by clicking in the corresponding checkbox.
For this example, click the checkbox next to the Car receipt .
With the attachment selected, click the Delete button.
You will be asked to confirm your action. To confirm, click the Yes button.
With the original receipt removed successfully, you can proceed to attach the correct receipt.
Click the Add Attachment button and follow the subsequent steps.
If you need to update the accounting information for the selected expense line, click the Accounting button.
To save your changes, click the Save button.
When you have finished your edits, click the Review and Submit button.
Click the Submit button.
Read the certification message. When complete, click the Submit button to certify and submit your edited expense report.
You are returned to the My Expense Reports page and a green banner will display at the top of the screen letting you know that the expense report has been successfully submitted.