If you incur an expense that you wish to save for later and include in a future expense report, you can add a quick expense. These entries will be saved in My Wallet section of the Expenses menu. When you are filling out the expense report later, you can import those quick expense to the report.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
Click the Expenses tile.
Click the Add Quick Expense tile.
The My Wallet page is displayed. From this page, you can add, delete, or filter individual expenses.
A new expense page is created and displayed. Note that the Date field will automatically populate with the current date.
You will enter appropriate date into the Date field.
Enter "12/18/2017".
To search for an Expense Type, click the Lookup magnifying glass within the Expense Type field.
The Expense Type Search page is displayed. Please note that when selecting an Expense Type for a Quick Expense, mileage and per diems are not to be selected. Mileage and per diems are added directly to an expense report for calculated amounts.
To view all Expense Types, click the All Types tab.
Click the appropriate expense type.
Example shown here: click the D-Car Rental expense type.
You will enter appropriate information into the Description field.
Example shown here: enter "For hauling equipment".
You will enter appropriate information into the Amount field.
Example shown here: enter "200.00".
If your expense is for a car rental, it will prompt you to select your used merchant. To select a preferred merchant, click the Preferred Merchant list.
Click the appropriate merchant.
Example shown here: click the Enterprise Car Rental list item.
To select and attach a receipt to the expense, click the Attach Receipt link.
The Attachments page is displayed.
Click the Add Attachment button.
NOTE: This article only takes you through the perspective of a desktop user. The displays will be slightly different for phone users.
Click the My Device button.
A File Explorer window will appear. Locate and click the appropriate file for attachment.
Example shown here: click on the car-rental-invoice-template.jpg file.
Once selected, click the Open button.
After your upload is complete, click the Done button.
Example shown here: "Rental receipt".