Creating Internal Receipts


Internal Receipts are typically created within the Animal Operations Portal when separate cage cards are used to wean an animal from its mother.


  1. Step 1: Click the IACUC link at the top of the page.
  2. Step 2: Click the Active tab.
  3. Step 3: Click the Filter by dropdown list.
  4. Step 4: Select the filter preference from the list.
  5. Step 5: Enter at least part of the PI name into the Enter text to search for field.
  6. Step 6: Click the Search button.
  7. Step 7: The list is filtered to only display protocols that meet the entered criteria.
  8. Step 8: Click to select the appropriate Animal Use Protocol (AUP).
  9. Step 9: Click the Internal Receipt link.
  10. Step 10: Click the calendar icon next to the Custom In Date field.
  11. Step 11: Click the appropriate date from the calendar.
  12. Step 12: Select the radiobutton next to the chartstring that will be associated with this receipt.
  13. Step 13: Click the Cage Card Template dropdown list.
  14. Step 14: Select the appropriate template from the list.
  15. Step 15: Click the New Row(s) button to add a new entry to the receipt.
  16. Step 16: Click the Per Diem dropdown list.
  17. Step 17: Select the appropriate per diem for the chosen species from the list.
  18. Step 18: Click the Facility dropdown list.
  19. Step 19: Select the appropriate facility from the list.
  20. Step 20: Click the Number of Animals dropdown list.
  21. Step 21: Select the appropriate number of animals from the list.
  22. Step 22: Click the dropdown arrow within the Date of Birth field.
  23. Step 23: Click the appropriate date from the calendar.
  24. Step 24: Click the Sex dropdown list.
  25. Step 25: Select the appropriate option from the list.
  26. Step 26: The Strain field is an optional step that is not required during the creation of an internal receipt.
  27. Step 27: Enter the name of the researcher into the Animal User field.
  28. Step 28: Click to select the appropriate user from the list.
  29. Step 29: Click the OK button.
  30. Step 30: Click the appropriate PDF link.
  31. Step 31: The receipt is displayed.

In this article, you will the steps to create an internal receipt within a protocol in the Animal Operations Portal.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Animal Operations Portal.

On the Animal Operations Portal homepage, click the IACUC link at the top of the page.

2. Step 2

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The IACUC page is displayed.

To filter the list to only include active Animal Use Protocols, click the Active tab.

Note: Animals can only be recorded under Active AUPs. This step removes Closed and Expired AUPs from the list.

3. Step 3

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The list can be further filtered by AUP ID, AUP number, Protocol Name, PI Name, Project Status, or Date Created.

To select what type of value to search by, click the Filter by dropdown list.

4. Step 4

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Select the filter preference from the list.

Example shown here: pi option to search by PI name.

5. Step 5

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Enter at least part of the PI name into the Enter text to search for field.

Example shown here: "Kelling".

6. Step 6

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With appropriate information entered, click the Search button.

7. Step 7

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The list is filtered to only display protocols that meet the entered criteria.

8. Step 8

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Click to select the appropriate Animal Use Protocol (AUP).

Example shown here: ID 8888 .

9. Step 9

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The selected AUP home page is displayed.

Within the side menu, click the Internal Receipt link.

10. Step 10

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The Internal Receipt pop-up window is displayed.

To select the date on which the internal receipt was created, click the calendar icon next to the Custom In Date field.

11. Step 11

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A calendar is displayed. Click the appropriate date from the calendar.

Note: Be sure to select the date the cage was created, not necessarily today's date. This distinction is important for billing purposes.

Example shown here: September 25, 2019.

12. Step 12

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Within the Chart String Selection section, select the radiobutton next to the chartstring that will be associated with this receipt.

Note: The chartstring(s) in the list comes from the saved chartstring(s) within the selected AUP.

13. Step 13

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To select the orientation of the receipt when printed, click the Cage Card Template dropdown list.

14. Step 14

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Select the appropriate template from the list.

This will determine the orientation of the printed cage card.

Example shown here: UGA Cage Card Horizontal option.

15. Step 15

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If multiple cages are required, click the New Row(s) button to add a new entry to the receipt.

Click the Copy button next to the appropriate entry to create a copy of the selected line.

To delete an entry, click the Delete button next to the appropriate line.

16. Step 16

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Click the Per Diem dropdown list.

17. Step 17

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Select the appropriate per diem for the chosen species from the list.

Example shown here: Mouse-Box Quarantine(LS) option.

18. Step 18

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To select the facility where the cage is housed, click the Facility dropdown list.

19. Step 19

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Select the appropriate facility from the list. Use the scroll bar to choose from additional facility options.

Example shown here: Life Sciences/B031 .

20. Step 20

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To select the number of animals for this entry, click the Number of Animals dropdown list.

21. Step 21

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Select the appropriate number of animals from the list.

Example shown here: 4 .

22. Step 22

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To select the date of birth for the listed animal(s), click the dropdown arrow within the Date of Birth field.

23. Step 23

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A calendar is displayed.

Click the appropriate date from the calendar.

Example shown here: September 18, 2019 .

24. Step 24

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To select the sex of the animals on the receipt, click the Sex dropdown list.

25. Step 25

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Select the appropriate option from the list.

Example shown here: Either list item.

26. Step 26

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The Strain field is an optional step that is not required during the creation of an internal receipt.

27. Step 27

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Enter the name of the researcher into the Animal User field.

In order for the internal receipt to be created, the selected user must have a researcher portal within the system.

Example shown here: "Reagan Kelling".

28. Step 28

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As you type, a drop-down menu will appear with search results. The users displayed in this list have researcher profiles within the system.

Click to select the appropriate user from the list.

Example shown here: Reagan Kelling .

29. Step 29

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With the appropriate information entered, click the OK button.

30. Step 30

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The AUP homepage is displayed once again.

In the Activity table, you will find the created internal receipt.

To view or print the generated receipt, click the appropriate PDF link.

Example shown here: combined.pdf  link.

31. Step 31

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The receipt is displayed. It can be downloaded or printed as needed.

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