The UGA Financial Management System allows you to change the status of a single bill or a group of bills. The following status codes (values) can be used:
Status Code
NEW is used when the initial bill is entered in FMS. NEW status can be changed to RDY (Ready), CAN (canceled) or HLD (Hold).
RDY is used when the bill is ready to be processed and the invoice issued to the customer. RDY can be changed (only if the bill hasn’t been invoiced) to HLD or CAN.
INV (Invoiced) is the status when the invoice has been generated. This status cannot be changed.
HLD status is used if a customer needs to wait for the bill to be invoiced. HLD can be changed to RDY or CAN.
CAN is used if the customer decides to not proceed with the bill.
TMP (Temporary Bill) is used in the Grants Management process.
TMR (Temporary Ready Bill) is used in the Grants Management process.
In this article, you will learn the steps to change the status of a Bill from NEW to RDY (ready).
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
Click the Classic Home tile.
To navigate to the Express Billing page, select:
Main Menu > Billing > Maintain Bills > Express Billing
Click the Express Billing link.
The Express Bill Entry search page is displayed.
Enter appropriate information into the Business Unit field.
Example shown here: " 18003 ".
Your Search Results are displayed beneath the Search Criteria.
Select the appropriate Invoice link.
Example shown here: A0007591UG link.
The Billing General page is displayed.
The top section of the page displays the Customer information. Review this information to make sure you have selected the appropriate Customer before making changes to the account.
To change the Bill Status from NEW to RDY, click the lookup magnifying glass next to the Bill Status field.
Click the appropriate Bill Status link.
Example shown here: the Ready to Invoice link.
The Bill Status field displays the new status.
The Bill Status is set and saved to Ready.
To initiate the invoice, click the Single Action Invoice button in the top right of the Billing General tab.
A confirmation window is displayed to inform you that the invoice has been initiated and that no further changes can be made during Bill Entry.
You have completed the steps to change the status of a single bill from NEW to RDY.
Click the OK button to close.