The Travel and Expense module provides the capability to print an expense report in any status.
In this article, you will learn the steps to print an expense report.
First log onto
Click the Expenses tile.
Click the My Expense Reports tile.
The My Expense Reports page is displayed. On this page, you can view the status of your various expense reports.
To display only those expense reports that are not submitted yet, click the Not Submitted menu.
To open an expense report, click on the report you wish to view.
Example shown here: click the report titled Attend National Extension Agen.
The Expense Report page is displayed. This page contains all the different types of expenses (ex. lodging, meals etc.) submitted with the travel request.
Once you have reviewed all the details of the expense report, click the Review and Submit button.
In the Expense Summary page, you can view Analytics , Notes, and Printable Report for the expense.
Click the View Printable Report button.
The printable expense report appears on the screen in a new tab.
To save this report as a PDF document, click the Save As icon.
Click the Save button to save it to your computer.
You can print a hard copy of the expense report by clicking on the Print icon.
To print a report that has already been submitted, click the Awaiting Approval menu.
Click the appropriate expense report.
Example shown here: click the report titled Field trip 0000000268.
The Expense Report page is displayed. It summarizes the expenses and the approval status of the expense report. Under Additional Information, click the View Printable Report button.
Note: If you are trying to print an expense report that has already been submitted, it will not take you to the Expense Detail level.
The printable expense report appears on the screen in a new tab. You can save a PDF copy of the document by clicking on Save As icon or print a hard copy of the document by clicking on the Print icon.
Note: This is a delivered PeopleSoft report. It is not customized for UGA to include things like travel authorization number, business purpose or ChartField distribution information.